Chapter 45

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It took only a few minutes of walking for Alex and me to reach the pack-boundaries. I was glad when we did, and it wasn't but a second before I recognized a few of our pack mates walking out to greet us.

Lincoln, or Linc as we called him, was the first to step out.

"Thank goddess the two of you are okay," he said with a sigh of relief. "We saw the crash, but none of you were there."

"Have you found the other four?" Alex asked as he shifted back, clothing included.


Linc nodded. "We were on patrol when we came across them. Everyone is okay, but you two weren't with them."

"Long story," I replied. "How is the pack?"

He smiled a little, "Kicking ass. We had a large group of rogues hit just outside of the western boundary. Your father certainly knows what he is doing, 'cause they were gone in less than fifteen minutes!"

"Where are Jack and Sierra?"

"They're at the pack-house, resting. We're getting prepared for the next attack."

"Next attack?" Alex growled.

"They've been coming in waves for the past two days. We don't know what they're trying to accomplish but-"

"They're trying to wear us down. They are large enough to put us on alert, then the minute we're too drained, they'll strike in full force," Xavier growled through the link.

Link and his mate looked stunned, but I simply waved it off. "Another long story."

"You seem to know what you're talking about," I said, directing it to Xavier.

"You think this is the first time I've been in this kind of situation? It was three lives ago that I had to deal with this. I was only a Beta then, but I still had to take care of the pack because the Alpha was killed. I only hope you don't have to go through the same problem."

I groaned. "You know, now I see what Alex's problem is with you; you don't say anything important that we might need to know until it's too freaking soon to do anything about it!"

"You try doing this stuff. My memory isn't exactly the greatest after all these years."

I rolled my eyes and returned my attention back to Linc. "Let's get back to the pack house. We have things we need to do."


"Well look what the cat dragged in," Jack said with a smile as we walked into the living room. "It's about time Y'all got here. We've got some... complications."

He was lying on the couch while Sylvia looked over him. He had a bandage around his waist, and across his left bicep. He looked like hell, but the smile on his face said he was ready to go back and fight in a couple of minutes.

"No, really?" Alex asked sarcastically. "After everything we've been through, I thought you guys were having a luau."

"Where's Jaydon?" I asked, looking around. Jackie seemed to be pacing in my head, anxious to see the little pup.

"He'll be down in a minute," Sierra said walking into the room. She sat next to her mate with a sigh. "Before you see him though, I should warn you... he's shifted."

I swore my jaw hit the floor. Alex simply raised an eyebrow. "When?"

"Three days ago, just before the attack. He appears to be about three, yet kinda acts a little older. I don't know how to put it," Jack said. "All I know is that it shocked us all. And you wanna know the crazy part?"

"What?" Alex and I chorused.

"He looks like he could easily be yours; traits and everything."

I was silent.

"Well that is odd," Alex said, then turned to me. "Now your mom might actually think that we didn't find him that day."

I slugged him in the shoulder. "Shut up! This isn't a joking matter!"

He smirked -- ugh why did he have to look so hot when he did that? "Still defensive of the little one I see."

I only growled at him, before returning my gaze to the two wolves in front of us.

"So what else is new?"

"We've got a name for the rogue Alpha. His name is Collin, however, he has some weird name that everyone calls him."

"And what's that?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"Falcon. I don't know where he got that from, but it's got every rogue under his command cowering in fear."

"Sadly, however, I do," Xavier growled.

Sylvia stopped her work, her head whipping around to look at Alex. "Your wolf is a traveler? Should have seen that one coming."

I frowned. "Why are Alex and I the only ones that didn't know about this business until just recently?"

"Makes two of us wanting the answer to that," my mate growled, sitting next to Jack. "Falcon is his wolf. He's a traveler too, and it seems he's taken over Collin's mind. He's supposedly highly evil -- as well as old -- so he's going to be a bit tricky to take out.

Jack groaned. "Why am I not surprised?"

"'Cause we've already been dealing with hell?" His mate commented.


"What are we supposed to do next?"

"Get some shut-eye," My dad said, walking into the room.

"Dad!" I said, then ran over and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly. I will admit that as good as it felt to have Alex always around, there's still nothing like the touch of my dad... so what if I sound like a daddy's girl? I like it. "They're done for today, that much we know for sure. And as I've been told, you both need some rest -- mostly you, Alex."


"After the stunt that you pulled, or I guess Xavier pulled, you need some rest."

He only shrugged and was about to reply when a squeal rang through the room.

I turned around to see a boy that looked to be about four years old. He had choppy brown hair and the most intriguing looking hazel eyes that almost looked blue. He ran over to me and hugged me by the legs. Without thinking, I scooped him up in my arms and held him tightly. Jackie knew instantly who the little tyke was.

"I missed you, Mommy!" he said.

I froze for only a second, being mildly shocked, but replied quickly. "I missed you too, Jaydon."

Alex raised his eyebrows at me, yet there were no signs of Xavier lashing out about it. I swear I will never understand his wolf. I'm pretty sure the only reason I truly love him is that of Jackie's doing.

'Oh, he can be as mysterious as he wants," She practically purred.

I internally rolled my eyes at her, then turned back to Alex who had taken Jaydon into his own arms, "Well look who finally shifted," he said with a smile.

"I'm a big boy!" he laughed.

Alex smiled, putting him on his shoulders, "You sure are!"

I couldn't help the feeling of love that washed over me at the sight.

'Oh he's amazing...' Jackie commented again.

I couldn't argue with her there...


OMG that's cute. Life goals, amirite?? 

Anywhore, thanks for reading my Amazing Shifters!


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