Chapter 36

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I was helping my mom in the kitchen with a few pies she was baking to bring to some of the couples that had lived in other houses on the territory. We made some and brought them over to pack mates every now and then to check in and see how everyone was doing, as well as use it as a way to be close with everyone. Our pack was a family after all. 

I had been chopping up some peaches for her famous peach pie when a sudden flood of emotions hit me like a ton of bricks. The knife fell from my grasp as I doubled over, feeling like the wind was knocked out of me.

'Jackie!?' I cried out to her, confused and worried. I could barely hear my mom asking me what was wrong.

'Mate! Go to mate now!'

I managed to stumble my way out of the kitchen and down the hall, ignoring my mom's questioning. My vision seemed to become spotty like I was going to faint, the force on my body and mind making me feel like I was going through my first shift all over again.

The door was partially open when I got to my room, so I had little trouble pushing it open. My eyes found their way to Alex and I knew something wasn't right. He was writhing on the bed as if in immense pain, a soft whine coming from him. 

'Xavier!'  I could hear my wolf cry. 

I limped over to the bed and placed myself next to Alex, my wolf guiding me to grab his arms and place them around me. Almost immediately the pressure and pain had ceased, allowing me to breathe freely. 

'Great Goddess what was that!?' I mentally sighed to Jackie.

I only got a quiet whimper in return, causing me to worry even more. 

"Alex, wake up," I said a little forcefully, shaking his shoulders.

His eyes opened, but it wasn't him. I could tell his wolf was the one in the driver's seat.

"You're here," he breathed, as if in disbelief.

I knitted my eyebrows in question, "Xavier, I've just been with my mom in the kitchen. What's wrong?"

He just pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. I could only awkwardly rub his back. "It's okay. I'm not going anywhere."

"No. Never again."

"What?" I was so confused.

Again, I didn't get a response. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I could feel my arm start going numb. 

"Uh, Xavier, I love you and all, but I'd love you more if I could feel my arm again."

A snore followed my comment. I rolled my eyes and somehow manage to pry myself from his grip before shaking him again. "Alright, Alex, I need you to wake up now."

It only took a second before he woke up again, this time his eyes were their normal darker color.

"What's wrong?" he managed through a yawn.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but Jackie was still restless. "Get up. I'm taking you to Sylvia."

"What? Why?"

I yanked him up, "Just come with me."


"His vitals are fine, his breathing is normal, nothing seems off in any way."

I frowned in mild annoyance. "I can see that, but what the hell made me feel like I was about to implode?"

Alex shot me a worried look and I knew I had needed to fill him in in a while.

Sylvia turned to Alex, clicking her tongue. "Alex, have you ever had a history of night terrors?"

He made a face, looking uncomfortable for a moment. "Yes."

The doctor nodded a little, then pulled something and began writing on it. "Sometimes newly-mated wolves like yourselves can pick up on the other's stronger emotions without having to guide it through the mate bond. Of course, all Werewolves have this with their mates, but dreams can be hard to control for a little while."

She turned to me. "That being said, you were probably going through what Alex felt during his night terror."

I was a little disappointed that Alex hadn't told me before that he had night terrors. I felt like he would have told me, seeing as how we were mates and all, but I didn't want to push. I've heard that people that have night terrors don't tend to tell anyone.

"If you experience the same issue again, come back and I can look into finding some ways of dealing with it. Sound good?"

We both nodded. Sylvia smiled and walked out to her next patient.

I walked over to the bench and sat next to him, started stroking his arm. Jackie made a purring noise at the feeling of him and being near him. She wanted to comfort him as much as I did.

He reached an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close next to him.

"You okay?"

He nodded. "I will be."

I gave him a look. "What was that dream of yours about?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

I tried not to take it personally, after all it was just a dream. Though Jackie did feel a little annoyed. Alex must have felt my unease for he looked back up at me with a reassuring smile. 

"I'll tell you later. Promise. Right now, Xavier is too on edge. I'm kind of worried about what might set him off right now."

I made a face, "I'd assume me being here would help?"

"That's what I thought. I'm glad you are, don't get me wrong. Xavier is just..." he trailed off, not looking too sure himself. 

After a moment of silence, he shook his head and smiled tiredly. "Come on, let's head back to bed. We've another early rise tomorrow."

I nodded and happily walked with him back to our room. I was still concerned, but as long as he was alright at that moment, I would wait until he'd open up the rest to me. 

My Werewolf GirlfriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin