Chapter 39

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It hadn't seemed to be too long since I'd drifted off that a loud crash startled me from my fairly normal dreams. Still half asleep, I managed to stumble out of bed and see what the commotion was. I didn't even get the door halfway open before it came crashing down on me from the other side. That managed to wake me up thoroughly and I had to shift in order to push off the intruder. Once they were off, the foul stench of a rogue hit my nose, causing me to reel back towards Amber who had only just woken up. 

A rogue in wolf form stood before me. Although not quite my size, it was still very large and appeared to be well trained, despite the lack of pack. It didn't give me a second glance as it charged towards Amber. I easily caught the snarling mutt between my jaws and clamped down hard on its neck, the snapping sound ending it then and there then. 

Amber then shoved me aside as another wolf came hurling from my blind-spot in the doorway, her human form being just strong enough to push us both out of the way. My claws caught the carpet and I hurled myself into the second wolf, my teeth meeting nothing but fur as we crashed into the bay windows of the room and sprawled outside.

Xavier was pissed off, making it a struggle to keep a hold on him. I didn't want to have to make too much of a mess -- which is what he always seemed to do. 

The rogue lowered it's head with a fierce snarl. It definitely wasn't a typical one. The growl that followed it, however, was a clear message. 

We'll be back.

I leaped at it but only caught air as it seemed to dart off faster than any wolf I'd seen. I turned my head to see it disappear in the direction of the pack border, but I knew that if they had gotten that far into the territory, they'd have no problem making it out.

That just pisses me off.

Amber walked over and tugged softly on the scruff of my neck, motioning her head to follow her back inside. The moon was shining brightly and illuminated our dark room even more since the windows and parts of the wall were missing. 

"Are you guys-- whoa."

I looked up to see Jack standing with a bewildered look on his face at the broken windows and the large hole that came with it. 

"Bit of a mess," Amber muttered.

My best friend frowned. "Shit. We knew a couple of rogues got through but this is ridiculous."

I growled in an agitated agreement. 

"Come on," he continued. "We need to meet with the others."

I followed Jack into the living room where Adam and Kristine quickly turned around with a relieved look on their faces. They didn't look in the best condition either. While Kristine only had a few cuts and scrapes and a torn hoodie on, Adam was missing a shirt and already had a bandage wrapped sloppily along his midsection.

My dad happened to be there as well, a large wolf sitting next to him. He had a crossbow in his hand and his tee shirt had four very long claw marks through it. He looked fine, however. As for the wolf, the scent of it told me it was in fact my mom. 

I internally frowned. I thought she couldn't shift?

I made eye contact with my dad and nodded a little to his side where she sat at, indicating my confusion. 

'Later,' he mouthed. 

"Guess we weren't the only ones?" Amber asked, though it was more of a statement than a question. 

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