Chapter Fourteen: Rejection Hurts

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Piper Belle-Harwood.

Rejection Hurts

.Three Years Ago.

“Piper, Jack left another bouquet of flowers for you,” Fleur sighed as she accepted the flowers from the deliveryman and brought them into our apartment.

I looked up from my economics book and smiled smugly at the flowers.

“Good. Can you place them on the living room coffee table? I think they’ll look good there.”

Fleur did as I asked and returned a few minutes later with one single question on her mind.

“What did Jack even do?” She plopped down beside at the kitchen table and titled her head, her eyes shining with curiosity.

I frowned.

“He called me controlling and self-absorbed,” I pouted.

Fleur cracked a small smile.

“But…you are controlling and self-absorbed. You’ve even admitted to it,” she spoke, not unkindly.

I shrugged.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean he had the right to say anything about it!”

Fleur still looked relatively confused but she just shook her head and let out a small sigh.

“Whatever you say, Piper.”



.Present Day.



I grabbed my ringing phone without bothering to look at the caller ID. 


“Hey, Piper.”

“Oh, hi Alex.”

“Are you busy today?” He questioned and I send a tired glance at my youngest sister who was currently tossing her stuffed toys around her room.

“Well, kind of. Mom’s on set, Dad’s in Massachusetts, Odette, Celine, and Lucille are in school, Fleur’s teaching…and I’m stuck babysitting Ryan and our youngest tyrant of a sister.”

“Shouldn’t Rowan be in school?”

“Well, she’s in such a bad mood that our parents decided it would be safer to keep her home today…with me and Ryan.”

“And how’s that working out for you?”

 I winced as Rowan beheaded another Barbie Doll.

“Not too well.”

“Well, lucky for you, I’m calling because I have three tickets to that ice-show we used to take our younger sisters too. Remember we used to take them every year? And I only have three tickets –because I figured it’d be me, you, and Ryan- but it should be easy to secure a fourth and-”

“Wait, Alex. The Disney on Ice show? Listen, I’m not sure that’s the best idea right now…”

“Why not? Do you already have plans with Lucas?”

“Nope. He’s been in Washington D.C. for the past two days and he won’t be back until later today.”

“Then why is this a bad idea?”

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