Chapter Four: The Only Girl

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.Piper Belle-Harwood.

The Only Girl


.Eight Years Ago.

“But Daddy! This isn’t fair!” I complained, crossing my arms and glaring at my father. He checked his watch once before sending me a sympathetic glance.

 “I know, baby girl. Trust me, I know. Do you know how miserable these events are? I swear I’m suffocating in this tux,” he complained as he pulled at his bowtie.

“That tuxedo is Armani, you oversized brat,” my Mother teased as she swept into the room, her perfume leaving a trail of roses in her wake. “So I know for a fact that it’s not suffocating you.”

“Mom,” I piped up before Dad could respond, “I don’t think it’s fair that I have to stay home and babysit while you and Dad attend the Academy Awards. Why can’t Fleur babysit?”

 “Fleur already had plans for tonight,” Mother argued.

“So did I!”

“Yes but, unlike you, my Darling daughter, Fleur had the decency to tell us her plans ahead of time.”

“But Mom-”

“Tracy, I think Fleur should stay home with Piper,” my Dad interrupted.

Mom waved his words away.

“You’re just saying that because you don’t like the idea of Fleur dating,” she challenged, a knowing look in her eyes as she glared at my father. 

“Of course I have an issue with Fleur dating! But I more so have an issue with her dating Ryder!”

“Hey! There’s nothing wrong with Ryder!” I automatically defended. “He’s been my best friend for years! And he and Fleur have been dating since freshman year! We’re juniors now, Daddy.”

“Yeah, well had I known that Ryder would have turned into some motorcycle riding, foul mouthed, cigarette smoking hoodlum, I would have put a stop to your relations with him a long time ago,” he growled.

I decided not to mention that Ryder had recently started experimenting with harder drugs.

“Owen, calm down. Fleur’s a good girl and we trust her, remember? Now, our driver is here so let’s get out of this house. I love you, Piper. Behave.”

My father sent me one last withering glance before my Mother yanked him out of the house.

I groaned and stomped from the foyer and started the trek towards the family room on the third floor.

Fleur was sitting on one of the couches, a Jane Austen novel in her hands.

“Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your date?” I questioned, a bit of a bite hanging on my words. Fleur placed her book down and I took in her Seven For All Mankind jeans and the familiar blue blouse that she no doubt removed from my closet.

“We’re just going to a movie so I didn’t see reason to get all dressed up. Also, I hope you don’t mind but I borrowed your shirt,” she spoke as she smiled up at me.

I sighed.

It was near impossible to be mean to my twin sister. She was just so god damn nice.

“It’s fine,” I placated, waving her words away. “Anyways, since you told Mom and Dad about your date ahead of time, I’m stuck babysitting the kids. Where are they, anyway?” 

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