Chapter Thirteen: Who To Call

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Piper Belle-Harwood.

Who To Call

.Nine Years Ago.

“I’m sure he didn’t meant it, Piper,” Alex tried to calm me over the phone.

“It doesn’t matter if he meant it or not, Alex! He shouldn’t have said it!” I yelled.

Ryder was always pissing me off and I was always calling Alex to complain about it.

It was a habit I picked up in middle school and something I had never seemed to able drop.

I heard Alex sigh and I dug myself further into my pillows.


“I am not talentless! I am most certainly NOT a wannabe-Tracy-Belle!”

“He knows that Piper, and if he doesn’t then you’ll prove it to him. You’ll prove it to him when you’re a famous model and on the cover of…uhhh…feminine magazines.”

I thought about it for a moment and then let out a forthcoming sigh.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’m going to be rich and famous one day and he’ll be sorry he ever called me talentless.”

“Exactly! But Piper? Let’s try and make it through our freshman year of high school first, alright?”

I smiled faintly as I stared at my blank ceiling.




.Present Day.



“Why do we never go to any other bars?” I asked Lucas, a teasing smile on my face while he made me a drink on the other side of the bar.

He flashed me a smile as he poured some alcohol into the concoction.

“Drinks are free here! The owners really like me,” he leaned across the bar and the two of us kissed, his hand running through my dark hair.

We pulled away but our faces stayed close, my heart flittering with every passing second. 

“Thank you for dinner,” I whispered, my eyes lingering on his lips for a second before they moved to stare into his blue eyes.

Lucas swept forward a few inches to kiss me again and I couldn’t seem to push myself against him enough, especially with that damn bar in-between us.

“Anytime.” He planted one last fast kiss on my lips and went back to making our drinks. I watched him for a second before I turned away.

“I’m gonna run to the restroom. I’ll be back in a minute.”

He waved me off and I passed through the scattered crowds of the Gibber family bar. Gideon wasn’t working tonight in favor of some new kid the family just hired and Lucas and I stopped by after having an early dinner to see how he was doing. Victoria was supposed to be here as well, supervising his first day on the job, but she was nowhere to be seen.

And as I pushed open the bathroom door, I realized why.

Victoria and Tristan jumped away from each other but from their disheveled appearances, their previous actions were obvious.

I stared, shocked.

…and then I got angry.

The bathroom door swung shut behind me and I stared in disbelief at the two people in front of me. Victoria looked panicked while Tristan had his arms crossed and was glaring at me.

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