Chapter 7/I Have A Bad Memory

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What the heck just happened? I try to look around but I can't because something is hiding my eyes. Really? A blind-fold?

I try to talk but also can't do that too. Probably some cloth from my shirt is in my mouth. A gag too? Who are these people?

I start moving around in this very uncomfortable chair. "Finally, you're awake." Someone says in front of me that sounds very impatient.

The blindfold comes off. I look and see that all the blinds are shut for me probably. A woman stands before me. The same woman that I saw enter my dorm room. The same woman at the ceremony of dreams. After all these encounters I still don't know her name.

I look up at her. She has the blond hair in a bun just like Mrs.Ladova. she wears almost the same dress she did at the ceremony of dreams. Elegant and looks beautiful on her. But I'm guessing that I'm not here to compliment her looks. "My question for you is that will you scream if I take that Nast little thing out of your mouth? You don't really need to scream because there won't be anybody to help you. Nod if you won't." I quickly nod. The lady looks at somebody behind me and the other person takes it off. "Now that's better right dear?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Crystal. I am the head of the other school. Just like Mrs.Ladova is for your..." Her face goes sour for a second but then quickly calms down. "...School."

"Well Crystal, why in the hell am I here? And where is here exactly?"

"Elizabeth 'here' is my school. And you are here because I said so. I need to ask you a few questions."

"Well go on your highness." I bow my head to her. I smirk and I can see she is not amused by what I said.

"You know about your eye situation correct?"

I laugh."Eye situation. Since when have my eyes been an issue?" I look down so she doesn't look at them. Does she know I am a hybrid. Is that bad? As I can see by me being tied to a chair, gagged, and blindfolded, yes I think she knows at least something.

"You know red means vampire correct?" I nod. "And yellow mean werewolf correct."

I don't nod. "I don't see how, me, a vampire, could be getting called a werewolf. They look nothing alive."

"But then answer me why your other eye is yellow?"

I sigh. I look up at her. "Even though my eyes were gray from the beginning my right eye has always had a defect. It felt weird. It looked weird for being gray. Frankly, It still looks weird and feels weird. It's always been that was and always will be."

She stares at me intently. Trying to read me. See any kind of sign she can read off me. Then she gives up."Okay." She says.


"Okay. My questions are done. You are free to leave." The man behind me unties the rope from my arms. I get up and start toward the door. "Oh wait! I forgot. You can't go at this moment because it's still light outside."

I turn to her."Does this mean I have to stay here. Like for a whole day?!" She nods.

"Well only for a few hours. The sun has to go down."

"So can I roam or something?"

"By all means yes! But you must wears these." She rummages through one of her drawers. "We have a lot of highly experienced hunters at this school. We don't want you to get..." She stops herself.


"Yes. It has happened a few times." My mouth drops. "If you wear these then nobody will hurt you. The older students no not to hurt anybody with these sunglasses one. The newest students don't even know about the eye color thing so you'll be fine." She hands me black sunglasses.

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