Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Elise’s POV

A day has passed since I talked to Charlie, I just needed time to be alone, to think about things. I am telling you now though, I’m not breaking up with her, I love her too much to just let her go like that

But I know some people would think that I’m too petty for being angry at Charlie for breaking such a small promise and what she did was no comparison to what I’ve done in the past, I know that clearly and I’m not angry at Charlie, I’m disappointed, she broke a promise, a promise that may be small but I consider very precious

I take promises very seriously, because trust is something that is so important to me. Growing up, I was always disappointed by the people whom I trusted the most, one of which was my father. I trusted him like any daughter would, believing that he would always be there for us no matter what but came the time that he wasted my trust by leaving us for another woman. My parents got divorced and I never saw him again.

I became more cautious when I was in middle school, that’s why I never had any other best friends besides Charlie, I never really trusted anyone in middle school back then. High school passed by and I slowly moved on. I went to College and met James and for the first time in years, I trusted another person again and we all know what happened with that.

Although that promise was small, it hurt so much that Charlie broke it because Charlie is one of the people in my life that I, without a doubt, trust wholeheartedly


Charlie’s POV

It’s the first day of exams and I’m here sitting and staring at the clock as each second passed by. I scanned the test paper and quickly answered all the questions I know and for the questions I don’t know, I guessed.

Half an hour later, I submitted the test and left the classroom, I was the first person to walk out of an hour and a half exam. I went to the lobby and tried calling Elise but her phone was off. The day went on and after answering two other exams as quickly as possible, I left the school and went to buy a big bouquet of flowers and a few other things

“It’s been a day since we last talked and I hope Elise will talk to me now”


Elise’s POV

Kylie had to leave early because of a family emergency and after saying goodbye to her, a surprise knock happened on my door.

I opened it and saw Charlie kneeling on the doorstep, wearing a sad smiley face mask and holding a big bouquet of roses

I looked at her but remained expressionless, “please get up” I said

Charlie slowly stood and then removed the mask, showing the words, “I’m sorry 1000x” written on her forehead, she looked at me with a sad, pouty expression as she gave me the bouquet

I scoffed and can’t help but smirked at her silly gesture, I took the bouquet, “What have you been doing to yourself?”

“I’m sorry Elise, I really am”

“I know” I sighed and held her hand, “c’mon, let’s remove that from your forehead”

Charlie smiled and nodded as we went inside

We sat quietly at the sofa as I gently removed the ink from Charlie’s forehead

“You’re really silly for doing this” I said as I continue to wipe her forehead

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