Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Charlie’s POV

The bruises and scars on my face were lighter now, almost unrecognizable and people had already stopped asking, “What happened to you?” or “did you get into a fist fight?”. Thank goodness for that, I was getting sick of explaining my alternative reason

It was lunch time at school. Spencer and I with our two other friends, Ally and Norah, were happily eating lunch while talking about the potential universities each one of us will be entering next school year. The three of them had already taken a few entrance exams at different universities and was waiting for the acceptance letter. I, on the other hand, was 100% sure I’m entering St. Xavier University, Elise’s university, so I didn’t bother to go check other universities

“That’s a pretty nice uni Charlie” Ally commented “It’s actually one of my choices”

“That’s good, if you two got in, you can share a room together” Norah said

And Spencer smirked, “Oh no, Charlie already has a roommate waiting for her there and I think they don’t have space for one more”

Ally and Norah turned to me with smirks and raised eyebrows

I rolled my eyes and smirked, “I’m going to share a room with my girlfriend” I said then took a sip of my iced tea

“Ohhh…looks like things might get steamy, I definitely don’t want to be roommates with you now, you and your gf might keep me up all night!” Ally said jokingly and the three of us laugh

“And want kind of “keeping you up all night” are you talking about exactly?” Spencer jokingly asked Ally

Norah chuckled, “perv!”

“I prefer “sexually curious”” Spencer smirked then she turned to me, “speaking of your gf, how’s it going with you and Elise?”

“It’s been great, I never been happier in my entire life” I answered proudly “she’s, like, so perfect for me, I couldn’t ask for more”

“So Elise is her name, we would love to meet her, she sounds nice” Norah spoke

“She is and don’t worry, I’ll introduce her to you guys soon” I smiled

Ally stared at me, “You’re really in love with her, aren’t you?”

“I am, so much” I smiled “and I know it’s still early for me to say this but I think she’s the one”

The three of them stared at me and smiled widely, they might think I’m crazy but I can see it in their eyes that they’re genuinely happy for me and I can honestly say that I am happy being with Elise

After classes, Spencer and I headed to the place where she and I met and became close friends, the soccer field. It’s time again for our daily soccer practice, which I have missed because of the previous unexpected events, resulting in…

“I have to stay for an extra hour? And I have to practice on Sunday afternoon? That’s just cruel” I spoke as we sat on the bench, waiting for the other players to arrive

Spencer chuckled, “Well, you have missed a few practices Charlie and we have an upcoming game so having one of the forwards on tip top shape would be a great advantage”

“You’re right but I’m grounded so mom wouldn’t be so happy about me going home late”

“Sorry ‘bout that. What did you get in trouble for?”

“It’s complicated and anger-inducing, rather not talk about it”

Spencer shrugged, “oh hey, want me to stay behind so you’ll have company?”

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