Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Charlie’s POV

“So, we have all weekend, what do you wanna do?” I asked Elise before munching a spoonful of cereal

“Hmm…don’t know, haven’t thought about it” she answered before taking a sip of her morning coffee “I guess going to the mall would be okay, we could go shopping! And there’s an ice rink there so we can go ice skat-”

“Hold up, there’s an ice rink here? Inside a mall?”

Elise nodded

“Wow…okay, that just got me even more excited to graduate high school”

Elise giggled as she ate her last bite of cereal, “then it’s settled then, we’re going to the mall after breakfast”

After eating, she stood and washed the bowl

“I’m gonna go get a bath while you eat” she said “but first, I’ll go see if Kylie has already puked in her room” then she made her way to her friend’s room

I giggled to myself and continued eating

I was washing the dishes when I heard footsteps coming closer

“I didn’t know we have a visitor” a voice said

I turned and saw Kylie in her short shorts and loose tank top, smirking at me, “and a cute one at that” she said and approached me, I think she’s still a bit wasted

Kylie smiled “We haven’t met yet, have we?”

“Um, no” I reached out my hand to her “I’m Charlie, Elise’s friend back home”

She giggled and pushed my hand away “handshakes are too formal” she said “but a kiss isn’t, especially on the lips”

“Um, actually, I don’t thi-”

Kylie put her finger on my lips to stop me from speaking “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this” she stared at me seductively and I felt her hand behind my neck and she slowly leaned in

Our lips were just an inch away when I heard Elise yell “Kylie!!” with a stern and angry voice

Kylie smirked and kissed me on the cheek, she whispered “nice meeting you” before walking away and going back to her room

Elise stared at me with a serious expression while I looked back at her with a blank face, what did just happen here? I almost got kissed…by Elise’s roommate!

“You should get ready” Elise said “I’ll wait for you here”

I nodded and went to Elise’s room


Elise’s POV

After Charlie went to my room, I quickly barged into Kylie’s room

“What the hell was that?!” I asked, a bit irritated “Don’t you dare do that again!”

“Whoa there, someone’s jealous” Kylie said “and possessive”

“Possessive?! You almost kissed a kid!”

“Oh please! The girl’s 16!” she reasoned “She’s not a kid anymore!”

I irritatingly looked at her, she’s just drunk, just…let it go

“Whatever, just don’t do it again” I said

“Oh I wouldn’t guarantee I’ll never do it again, the girl’s attractive, I bet she’s also a good kisser”

“Damn it Kylie!!!” I exclaimed

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