I Want To Join The Fashion Show

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Niall POV

"Looks like Kylie have to run errands for everybody for the next three days." She gives me the finger and I laugh. I pick Bean up and rub her belly. "We all know that he is not in the UK. It's a high possibility that he is in this country, but there is also a low possibility that he is in some other country."

Adam raises his hand, "What do y'all even do? Ty and Jay just said that you help people." I look at the two idiots, "Don't even try to explain." I hold my index finger up at them and they both close their mouths, "We save kidnapped people. Sometimes the job can get violent and we really need someone who is good with medical stuff to be by our side." Clare looks at me, "Who are you looking for?"

I look at Kylie and she whispers in he ear. "We'll tell you that later." She nods her head and I look at Haven. She crosses her arms and sticks her tongue out at me. My mouth drop, "What did I do?" She looks away from me and I walk up to her, "You're being unfair."

I drop my head, "There's a reason why I can't tell you. I'm not going to tell you, so stop asking me about it." I walk up to the dry erase board, "I don't know why, but I have a huge feeling that he's not in the US. If so, he would be the furthest away from us. Since we're in Washington he would be on the other side of the country." I write on the board, "We aren't making our move until he gives himself away."

I put the marker down and look at everybody. "Be prepared to go to a different country." Jay starts groaning, "I don't want to get on another plane. They're scary." I roll my eyes, "You can stay and I'll find a substitute for you." His mouth drop and I shrug my shoulders, "Pick one."

He gives me the finger and I laugh, "I'm guessing you're coming along then." Rafiki climbs up my leg and sits on my right shoulder. He hugs my head, "What's their names?" I look at Clare and smile, "The puppy name is Bean and this badass monkey name is Rafiki." Adam starts laughing, "From The Lion King, right?"

I sit down with a heavy sigh, "Can we leave?" I look at Ty and sigh, "Yeah." He stands up and claps his hands, "Cookout at Niall's house." They all start cheering as they all run off. I look at Haven and see her clapping, "My husband went with them. He's very outgoing." I drop my head, "Ty and Jay are going to rub off on him."

We leave the planning room and head outside to the parking lot. "Ty, buy us some drinks. Jay bought some last time, it's your turn." Ty mouth drop and Jay laughs, "Finally!" I get in the car and Haven gets in seconds after. We head to my house and I look over at Haven as soon as I stop at a light.

"Are you mad at me?" She looks at me and shakes her head, "No, you said you can't tell me." I let out a long sigh, "You'll understand sooner or later." We pull up to my house, "What the hell?! You live here alone?! Why the hell is your house so big?!" I look at Adam as we all walk to the front door, "I don't live here by myself. I live here with Haven, Bean, and Rafiki."

He looks at me with a dumbfounded look and I chuckle, "This house is still too big for two people, a dog, and a monkey." Clare comes up beside me, "How long have you and Haven been together?" I look at her and shake my head. "I take care of her, we're not dating. She's been kidnapped since she was a baby. My dad was the one to find her, but he made me take her in." She nods her head in understanding.

I text Ty to get some meat while he's at the store. I walk to the backyard and check the grill. I start cleaning it and Haven comes out, "What's wrong?" She looks at me while holding Bean, "Do I annoy you?" I look at Haven with wide eyes, "This is like your second time asking me this. No, you don't annoy me. Why do you keep asking?" She shrugs her shoulders, "Because you always drop your head when I talk to you."

I look at her and laugh, "Sometimes the topic we're talking about is a topic I have to find the right words for. Haven, you never annoy me, so don't keep thinking that." She nods her head and smiles at me, "Okay." She puts Bean down and goes out in the yard to play with her. I continue to clean the grill off and Rafiki jumps on my shoulder.

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