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Okay what.

Edit: Bruh, it's a good ass story, jfc

You met back up with the others not long after. Levi had asked you what happened, but you told him it was just a bird staring at you. It wasn't a complete lie. It was a bird, but it was a messenger bird from... probably the most unknown-known underground criminal. So, after that whole situation was settled, you and the rest of the squad were hiding in the bushes from the Military Police who were guarding a road... Marlo and Hitch... had joined you. Somehow, Jean convinced you and Levi that those two were going to 'help' you guys out. It wasn't that big of a deal, of course. You wouldn't let them get away if they lied to you.

"That over there is the least manned checkpoint around," Marlo explained. There were a few soldiers on the watch.

"All right. We'll handle it ourselves. Get back to your squad before it's suspicious," Levi ordered.

"Yes, sir," the two replied, slowly and quietly walking away.

"Marlo, Hitch," he called out again. His head turned to look at them. "We're grateful." The two saluted.

"Sir!" The two replied.

"Let's go! It's our turn to pick a fight!" Levi said to Mikasa and Connie who were nearby. You cracked your jaw, a smirk crawling its way to your face.

You were currently riding on the back of a moving wagon. Jean was driving, and Sasha, and Connie were accompanying him. You felt the wagon crash into the wooden crate barricade. Then their determined cries. As soon as you got to the middle of the checkpoint, you jumped out of the back and knocked out the first soldier with your muscular leg. You turned and whipped your wire over towards the second one. The hook sliced through his throat and he fell to the ground, his neck twisted around like an owl. The ones on the wagon crashed through and rode down the pathway. You ran to the green tent and grabbed the Interior Police soldier, pulling him out of his seat. He let out a cry of surprise at your strength. You dropped him into the dirt. You dug your sword into his pant leg, pinning him. Levi appeared and took care of the remaining soldiers. You knocked one out when they tried to choke you out with their shotgun. Levi joined your side and looked down at him along with you. The man yelped. Levi's expression was neutral, but yours were... no less than intimidating.

"Let's get back to the others," Levi suggested. You hummed and pulled the blade out of his clothes. His attempt to get away from you was futile, because you just grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him up with you. He struggled into your grasp, but you held him firmly in place. You dragged him down the pathway before you strayed from it and walked up a hill. You knew they heard your footsteps because the sounds of blades clinking and cocked guns rustling echoed down.

"It's us," Levi called up. You dragged the man to the top of the hill and threw him into the dirt, stomping your foot on top of his face.

"Miss, he's..." Armin trailed off.

"With the Interior Police. We've got a few questions for him." 'We' as in you and Levi.

"Let's move," Levi ordered.

Nuntius landed on Ruby's shoulder, cawing at her. She was perched high in a tree, a suitcase sitting next to her.

"I see..." She said quietly. "So she agreed." She stood up and picked the case up as well. The black crow flapped his wings at her in protest.

"Don't give me that attitude," she warned, "I'm not afraid to cook and eat you for dinner, you know." Another caw.

"Quiet. We both know I'm not a cannibal."
A coo. 

"No, we're not talking about that time. It was the only way." A light sigh escaped her lips. "We're getting off track. We need to pick up Amalasanda." Nuntius let out a loud caw before taking off from her arm. Ruby, herself, jumping deep into the shadows of the trees.

You and the rest of the squad moved to a more hidden area, but you could still see out into the prairie. You used your knives to pin his hands to the bark of the tree he was leaning against. A swift blow to the side of his mouth dislocated his jaw. Levi crouched down in front of him.

"Where are Eren and Krista?" He asked. The rest of the squad were keeping watch. The man's words were jumbled, and slurred.

"Oh, wait," you said. You walked behind him and stuck your hand in his mouth before snapping his jaw back into place. A cry of pain left his lips from the suddenness. "Forgot you can't talk with a dislocated jaw. Ask again."

"Where are Eren and Krista?" He asked again. The man laughed, despite the situation he was in.

"Oh, you're so brave. That checkpoint back there was just recruits who could barely wipe their own ass. You think you're some sort of hero, beating them down?" He turned his head to look up at you.

"Tragic," you said before shoving your entire fist into his mouth. It was so damn big you could've rammed your whole arm down his throat. "But what's more tragic is that stupid mouth of yours. I advise you use it before you can't." You pushed it back further all the way to the tonsils. Any further and he wouldn't be able to breathe.

"Where are Eren and Krista?" You repeated. You wrenched your arm out of his mouth, taking a few teeth with it. You pulled out a cloth and wiped your arm with it, sneering at the saliva coating it.

"It's no use! All that's left for you now is to run and hide inside these walls, covered in mud and shit!" He exclaimed, his eyes tearing up. "If you don't turn yourselves in, every last Scout we captured will get the noose! Starting with the most guilty of all, Erwin Smith!" Levi took one step forward. He ripped the knife out and grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back before snapping it. The man screamed. A rare glint appeared in his stormy eyes. You didn't stop him. You knew how much Levi trusts Erwin. That wasn't something you could get mad about. He knew him a lot longer than he knew you.

"Shut up," he said coolly. "That's for not answering my question. Some Scouts' lives are more valuable than others. Only those dumb enough to acknowledge that join us." He let go of him and the man went sliding down the tree.

"Tell me where Eren and Krista are at," he ordered.

"I-I don't know!" He exclaimed, his tears finally running down his face. "I'm not allowed to know! Kenny Ackerman is a very cautious man!"

"Ackerman?" Levi repeated, his brows twitching. You heard Mikasa gasp lightly from the side.

"I know Kenny... is that his last name?" He inquired. You saw Mikasa staring at Levi before she turned her gaze away.

"It is... but..." The man trailed off.

"True, there's a lot of things he doesn't divulge... especially the important stuff," Levi said. "But you must have a rough idea. You best try to remember." He walked up to him and grabbed his arm.

"Stop it!"

"You still have plenty of bones to break." He pulled his good arm back, ready to snap it.

"You... you're insane!" He cried.

"Maybe I am."
At that moment, both you and Sasha heard and felt people coming to you through the tall grass.

"Someone's coming this way!"
Before she could finish that sentence, you grabbed the man and pinned him to the ground. Levi ducked in front of you and the others got into position.

"More than one!"

"Told you so, L/n, Captain," he said below you. "It's no use. One way or another, the Scouts will soon come to an end!"

"Shut the hell up," you hissed, digging your foot into his head and smashing his face into the dirt.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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