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You sat up in your crystal white bed and stared down into your lap. After being rescued by Hanji, you had been resting for a few days. Your injuries had healed over into nasty scars. So many thoughts were swirling around in your head at that moment. Things you hadn't thought were possible, and things you never realized were happening. There was a soft knock at the door, but you didn't have the strength to reply. The door slowly opened anyways and the person walked inside.

"How are you doing, Red?" He asked, slowly walking up to the side of the bed. Looking into your eyes, there was no more sparkle or shine. Just dead, blank eyes staring bleakly at the sheets in front of you. Of course, your eyes had always been dull, but not to the point where he was concerned. Elijah sat down next to you and stared at you in both sympathy and worry. "I'm sorry, Red." You glanced at him by moving your eyes, but nothing else.

"I'm sorry for all the things that've happened to you," he explained, taking his hand and placing a piece of stray hair behind your ear. Now that he's got a better look at you, it's easier to be human around you. Since it's now been proven you're a human being like he is, and not a machine.

"Don't come at me with your bullshit," your reply was meant to be snarky, but lacked strength. It sounded weak. You continued to let him do as he pleased. So long as he didn't let it go to his head. "You're not responsible for their actions. You were just there to help kill me."

"That doesn't make me feel better..." He muttered to himself. He retracted his hand back to himself and sighed. "Red... you're in really good hands here in the Survey Corps. Especially with that one... the Corporal." He smiled a little.

"He seems to really like you from the way he talks about you."
You slowly raised your head and looked back at him with furrowed brows.

"What do you mean?" You asked. He just smiled and grabbed your hand, squeezing it.

"Just... just take care of yourself, Red," he said, letting go of your hand and standing up. You watched him walk out of the room and softly close the door behind him. You looked down at your hand and moved your fingers. Elijah's hand, though bigger than yours, were warm in contrast to your cold ones. You sighed and placed your head in your hands.

"How annoying..." You muttered to yourself. You turned your head towards the window and looked to the bright blue sky with the occasional cloud floating by. You didn't feel relaxed. You heard footsteps coming towards your door and it opened without them knocking first. From the volume of the footsteps, you knew it was Erwin. You turned your head enough to look at him.

'Or Beardwin...' You thought, seeing the stubble on his chin. You glanced at his arm, seeing nothing there but a stump that was previously his forearm.

"How's your arm doing?" You asked, eyeing it. A deep chuckle came out of his mouth, full of amusement.

"You were psychologically and physically tortured and yet you're asking about me? You're full of surprises," Erwin said with a small smile. You immediately glared at him.

"Don't make me take back my words."

"Calm down. I'm doing just fine. It's not that bad," he replied, walking closer to the bed. You raised a brow at him.

"Your arm is gone. What do you mean it's not bad?"
He just sighed.

"I'm just grateful to be alive."
You tore your gaze away from him and stared ahead of you.

"Lucky you," you said. He hummed in question and tilted his head.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"That night... my younger brother was the only one that died. I always thought my father had died with him, but no... he died alone. I should've died too. I should've gone on with him so that he's not alone." Your voice quieted down. The words that came out of your mouth both shocked Erwin, and didn't at the same time. He placed a hand on your shoulder and you looked back slightly.

"Don't say things like that. You're still young, which means you have a whole life ahead of you," he scolded, though with a smile. You scoffed lightly and turned your head back around.

"Easier said than done. What life do I even have ahead of me? Unlike you, I have no goal. At least not anymore."
Erwin sighed and slid his hand off your shoulder.

"I would tend to disagree," he said, standing up. "You're capable of great and amazing things, Y/n. I definitely wouldn't want you as an enemy." Was what he said before turning around and walking to the door. He opened it, but stopped.

"Yes, she's awake, but she's a little grumpy," you heard him say and immediately knew who was talking to him. You heard Erwin leave and the door close.

"You wanted to see what I looked like... right?" You asked before he could say anything. He stopped and just stared at you for a moment, savoring your real voice that sounded so soothing, yet so monotonous at the same time. H/l h/c flowing hair with some white streaks that sparkled when the sun hit it. Facial features that looked like they were carved by the gods themselves. E/c and black eyes that was sharp enough to kill, yet soft enough to melt. His eyes lowered to your bare arms that revealed scars of your past. Your white tank top covered most of your past, but Levi was determined to see all of you.

"When I said I wanted to see what you looked like I didn't mean in a damn hospital bed," he growled out softly, walking closer to you.

"You get what you get," you replied, letting him sit down next to you.

"What happened down there?" He asked quietly, as to not startle you. You shook your head lightly.

"What didn't happen? I don't feel like reminiscing about it."
Levi's brows furrowed.

"It's obvious whatever that shithead did to you changed you," Levi pointed out. You clenched the sheets in between your hands.

"No. I was always like this... I was just... alone when I was," you corrected, loosening your grip on the poor sheets. Levi raised his hand and placed it on your cheek, rubbing his thumb under your eye like he was rubbing away a tear.

"Your eye..." He murmured. "What does it do?"
You sighed and closed your eyes, grabbing Levi's hand and removing it from your face.

"It's not that simple. I don't have that much control over it which I why I rarely use it," you explained briefly. Levi's eyes glazed over. He grasped your hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Y/n... I will find out everything about you. I will know who you are."

"Heh... good luck, shithead."

Ja ne!

   {Ruby Red}

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