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Elijah went flying across the forest floor and landed on his side, the breath knocked out of him violently.

"Wow... did not see that coming..." He hissed in pain as he sat up. You walked closer to him and placed your gun back in its holster, and pulled out your sword.

"If you manage to subdue me for more than thirty seconds I'll go with you," you bargained. He stood up and rubbed his jaw, sighing.

"Alright. Deal," he replied, reaching behind him to grab his sword. He dug his feet into the ground and kept his hand on the hilt. "May the best fighter win..." Elijah ran dead at you while doing a battle cry.

'Idiot...' You thought, watching him flail his sword around. You quickly blocked the blade and grabbed ahold of his wrist, twisting into him and elbowing his face. He stumbled back and held his bleeding nose, and you pushed him further back with your foot.

"Are you even trying?!" You exclaimed. You were serious. How dare he not use his full strength? He propped himself up against a tree and tried to stop the flow of blood coming from his nose. He glanced at you before averting his gaze away. It was then you realized...

"... you don't know how to fight, do you?" You asked slowly, seeing his stance falter slightly. You clenched your hand so tightly the hilt of your sword began to crush under the pressure. Of course... Elijah was probably treated like a god to get that eye. Of course he had no fighting experience. Only brute strength and aggression. The 'brawns over brains'. That got you pissed off even more. Someone who doesn't even know how to swing a sword properly dare challenge you? "You are so dead!" You ran at him, punching. He rolled out of the way as your fist went deep into the bark. You yanked out your arm and turned back around to face Elijah who was shriveled up like a raisin.

"First you stalk me, then your ego inflated faster than anything, then you had the audacity to challenge me only to get your ass beaten. What's your real motive?" You asked, stepping closer to him with each word. He scooted away from you.

"Yo-you don't know anything. You're naïve. You're blind to everything. You think you're aware, but you're not," he briefed. You furrowed your brows in confusion.

"What am I blind to?"

"The truth."

You had left Elijah where he was when you heard another bang coming from the titans. Apparently Eren was eaten by the female titan because he had been outmatched by whoever was in there. When you caught up to where Levi was, Mikasa was there as well. You hadn't personally talked to her because she seemed cautious around you.

"Where the hell were you, Red?" Levi asked, seeing you swing below him.

"I was dealing with my own problems, shithead," you replied up back to him.

"You were supposed to be with the squad."

"If you hadn't noticed, Shithead, I had to leave because I was dealing with something else. I'm not in charge of watching the shitface shifter." You almost missed your wire when you shot it to the tree. Levi noticed you were off. Something was making you falter. Your composure was wavering and you were more irritated than usual. You normally were calm and cool headed, but something's bothered you. And Levi knew. Mikasa, who ignored your irritation, scowled at you.

"You could've fought her off instead of making Eren do it!" She shouted. You glared at her from under your hood.

"Then you go and take her down, you son of a shit!" You shouted back. Mikasa growled lightly. You planted your wire on a tree and swung down to your feet and slid across the ground until you stopped.

"What are you doing?!" Levi called down to you.

"Don't you have a shitface to rescue?!" You called back up.

"Tch." He turned around and maneuvered away along with Mikasa. You unzipped your mask below your chin to sigh. Thoughts were constantly swirling around in your head. Questions now had risen about what Elijah said. What truth? What were you blind to? Everything seemed pretty black and white. Was he just trying to mess with your mind? But he seemed like he was telling the truth. For the first time, you were conflicted as to what he said. Normally you wouldn't think twice about anything anyone said, mostly because it didn't interest or worry you. But this... this worried you. If you were caught off guard at any time you would be forcibly dragged back there. You wouldn't be able to handle going back there. You'd rather kill yourself than go back. They would either take you dead or alive and you'd much prefer dead. Levi and Erwin didn't know anything, so if you went missing, it wouldn't matter. You sighed once again and zipped the mask over your mouth. You can't let this bother you. Not now. Right now you'd remain cautious, but won't try anything.

You and the rest of the Survey Corps had regrouped on flat land. Levi had retrieved Eren from the female. You walked up to the cart that Eren was lying in.

"Is he injured that badly? You asked, though to Mikasa, it sounded more like a statement.

"He should be fine for now," Mikasa replied. You nodded subtly and walked away towards your horse. Star snorted and pushed her muzzle into your hand. You sighed and stroked along her head. You mounted her and began to ride off towards the perimeter. You hadn't seen Elijah at all after your first encounter and you wouldn't mind it staying that way.

"Red!" You heard someone call. You turned your head and saw Petra, and the rest of the squad run up to you. "Are you okay? You just vanished." You nodded.

"Something was bothering me so I checked it out," you replied, Star rocking back and forth on her hooves.

"That's a relief. We thought you were trying to run away from us," Eld added.

"Red. Thank you for saving us," Petra said, a soft smile on her face. You hummed in reply.

"Don't thank me. Learn to protect yourselves better," you replied, trotting away from them afterwards.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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