Facing Trenton

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I looked at the ball. Scratch that, I was glaring at it. I was picturing Jacks face there. His stupid face. I grinded my teeth together and kicked the ball with all the force I could muster. My foot connected with the ball and sent it flying through the net. The other girls stated to arrive and were sitting on the bench putting their shin guards and cleats on. My mind was in another place.


I was about to step out of Bryce's truck, when he spoke up.



"Well my game is tomorrow... And I want you to be there." Bryce said.

I looked down at the yellow fabric of my dress. It had black streaks on it from my mascara. I gripped the yellow fabric between  my fingers. "I'd love to Bryce." I said honestly.


It was weird that I was in a crappy mood. I should be happy. Wait no I shouldn't. Last night was bitter-sweet. Jack made it bitter, Bryce made it sweet. In all honesty I wanted my best friend to approve of my crush. She would just make me feel guilt or that it was wrong, but how could this feeling be wrong? I should be allowed to free fall if I want to! I kicked the ball in frustration. It flew past the goal and into the field behind it. "UGGGG!" I screamed in frustration as I ran over to retrieve it. And as I bent down to grab my ball I realized it.

Britney doesn't hate Bryce, she hate the Boys team in general. We all did. They were so cocky thinking they were better than us because they were boys and we were girls. Well this needed to change. We play for the same school! We're like brother and sister teams, we should be there for each other, not tear each other down at that moment of weakness after a loss. We needed to start on a new leaf. And I knew just how to do it. I walked back to my team. The last of the girls were putting on cleats while the others were either doing their laps on practicing shooting goals.

"Hey girls I need to ask you guys something!" I announced, twirling the ball around. They all came to stand around me.

"Whats up Summer?" Jenna asked, putting her hair into a poney tail.

"I wanted to ask you guys to come with me to the boy's soccer game tonight." I stated, looking at my ball.

I glanced up to see the girls hand that look of disgust on their face as if they smelt something terrible. "Why should we?" Kim asked, "They never come to our games."

"Well maybe if they see were willing to support them, they will do the same. Their playing Trenton tonight and they could really use the support. We all know how tough that team is." I told them. I few of the girls were about to voice their comments when Coach stepped up. She placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at the rest of the girls. "I could help but here Summer's suggestion and I think that would be a great idea!" And with that the girls shut up about it.


It was cloudy as the boys warmed up. The dark clouds threatened rain any minute now. The weather seemed to replicate the boys expressions. They were worried about the beating they would receive today. Bryce sat next to me, lacing up his cleats. I rested a hand on his shoulder, making him stop and look up at me. He had a brave face on. He had to to be brave for his team.

"You go this okay? Don't let those Trenton boys get in your head" I said encouragingly. He smiled at my words but I knew he was shaking on the inside. He was just as nervous about this game as the rest of the boys. I finished tying his shoes and ran out to the field to join his team mates in warming up.

I heard some giggling and joking to my left and glanced over to see what it was.

I smiled as I watched the girls from the team walk over to the bleachers. "You guys came."

My Soccer BoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin