Feeling Amazing

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I stared up in at Bryce through my tear filled eyes finally feeling safe. Jack got up and dusted himself off, “Don’t worry, I will. I don’t like sluty pigs anyways!” he spat in my direction. Bryce tackled jack the ground, throwing punches. Jack flipped them over and started throwing his own punches. Bryce brought up his legs and kicked Jack off him. Bryce jumped up, as did Jack. They were both were bloody and bruised, and were attracting a rather large crowd. I couldn’t watch this anymore. I stood up and ran in between them before they could throw any more punches. I rested my hands on Bryce’s chest, and looked at him. He lowered his fist and looked down at me. “Please stop. I can’t watch you get hurt like this.” I whispered.

Bryce looked from me to Jack then back to me and nodded. I lowered my hand we started to walk away. I heard Jack make some stupid remark about me and Bryce and the school he want to but I didn’t care. I wanted to leave. We climbed into his old truck and Bryce turned to me. “Are you okay?”

I laughed a cold laugh, “Of course I am. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine Summer. Why would you worry about me after what just happened?”

I stayed silent, because I knew if I spoke, my voice would shake.

He continued. “When I saw what he was doing to you- I wanted to hurt him. Hurt him bad.”

“Thank you Bryce. Honestly. I-I… Let’s just not talk about it okay?” I asked.

Bryce nodded. I saw Bryce’s face was bloodier than I thought. I grabbed the water bottle th sat in the cup holder and pulled put a napkin out of his glove compartment. I poured a little bit of water onto the napkin and raised it to his face. I gently dabbed the wet napkin to his face, careful not to hurt him. “There.” I said when I was finished.

Bryce raised a hand and placed it on my cheek, rubbing his thumb across my cheek. “You are so amazing Summer.” He told me under his breath. And for a moment I felt amazing. I didn’t just have a boy force himself on me, or had a friend who disapproved of the boy I loved, or that my father was never coming back.

I felt normal. As normal as a teenager could be.

We drove off. The town was already peacefully asleep, but alive in its own sense. Our town was small, but it was beautiful. It was that cozy, close knitted town where everyone knew everyone. Yet I’m just meeting this wonderful person. This guy who is like the other half of my soul. The soccer girl and the soccer boy… hmm, seems like the perfect love story… I glanced at Bryce from the corner of my eyes. He was perfect. He was my missing puzzle piece that makes me feel me… But I could never tell him that.

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