Good Luck

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I trailed behind Bryce as he walked towards his team. He sat down on a bench near the field and began to put on his shin guards and then his cleats. I sat in the bleachers near a group of girls wearing our school colors. I watched Bryce as he began to talk to his team. I could recognize the words “forward” and “defense” on his lips… Then I realized I was staring at his lips so I looked away.

The girls that I was sitting by giggled.

“Excuse me, sweetie?” one of the girls addressed, in a voice you would use to talk to a baby. It made my skin crawl.

“Yes?” I asked, turning to look at her.

“I think you’re at the wrong game sweetie, the freshmen aren’t playing here. The var-sit-y team is.” She said, pronouncing varsity as if I wouldn’t understand the word.

“If this is the varsity game, than I’m pretty sure I’m at the right spot.” I said turning away to look at the field.

She laughed as if I just told one of the funniest jokes she had ever heard. “Alright sweetie. Whatever you say. Who are you here for then.”

“Thomas…” I said not even thinking.

“I don’t think there’s a Thomas on the team.” She looked at the other girls for help, and I noticed one of them glance at the number on the jersey I was wearing. “I think she means Bryce.”

I immediately blush, feeling embarrassed that I had called him in public by his German name. I ignored their glares and focused on the boys warming up. They had just finished running their lap and was now doing simple passing and shooting exercises. Oh how I envied them right now. They were out there and I’m stuck here with these annoying girls.

A flash of red caught my eye. I glanced at the other side of the field to see the opposing team arriving. I glare at them. I hate that school with a burning passion. Their girl soccer team took down so many of our players that we almost didn’t have enough girls to play in the tournament.

Now I thought the girls from that school were scary. With their bulked up bodies and towering height. But the boys… They looked like they’ve been on steroids on steroids! They were to beefed up for it to even be remotely possible. I glance at the boys from my team, shocked that they didn’t even look intimidated. They looked disgusted at the site of the Tenton boys, but no more than that. The timer went off and the boys ran back to their bench, waiting for the announcer to call their names.

I saw Bryce was slightly off to the side away from the boys talking to the ref. When the ref walked away I took a chance and ran up to the fence where he was at. “Hey Bryce!” I said trying to get his attention. He turned around and saw me standing there, “Good luck.” I said, backing away from the fence smiling. I noticed him smile and run a hand through his slightly messy hair. They began to call out the names of the boys from our school. They ran out onto the field and stood facing the bleachers. Bryce was the second name to be called. I smiled when he ran out onto the field. After they finished they got into their positions. I realized they were doing a 4-4-2, beefing up their defense. I felt my nails dig into my skin as I leaned forward nervously. The ref blew the whistle, and with that the game had begun.

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