23~Resist me

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This is dedicated to MonsterInTheMirror because we both watch lost! :O And our birthdays are four days apart. I was suppose upload this on your birthday so that it could be more specail to you but I've been super busy lately. Happy Belated birthday felo leo! July babies RoCk! Hope you like this chapter because it's all for you! P.S. if you want to make me a cover you could it'll mean tons! 

(P.S.S. I need to edit this ASAP!) 

~23 Resist Me

Payton P.O.V.

"Now don't do that Tristen, that's a horrible idea." Jackie said as he came in between both Noah and Tristen. Jackie held onto the fist that Tristen had tempted to punch Noah with and he would've if Jackie hadn't seen it coming. 

"Let go of me" Tristen snarled. He wasn't even looking at Jackie. He was just starring right over his head at Noah. 

"What's going on?" As if just caughting on to what was about to happen Noah back away from Tristen. His smile was turned into a frown and his warm brown eyes turned cold. "What's wrong with him?" he asked looking at me but I couldn't answer. I didn't want to see what Tristen response to my answer would be. What would he do know? Beat on me as if I were one of the guys instead of his mate?

It seemed like Tristen couldn't answer him but this time for a whole completely different reason. He was mad, no he was beyond mad. He was outraged. "Don't worry Tristen here is fine right Tristen?!" Jackie forced out. Tristen stopped struggling to get to Noah but even though he did stop struggling Jackie stayed right in front of him holding onto both of his wrist. 

Tristen stayed like that for a minute and then two before Jackie nervously let one of his hands drop from Tristen wrist but he kept a firm hold onto his other wrist just in case Tristen change his mind at the last minute and decided to attach Noah after all. At least it was a good thing that Noah made no more to attach Tristen or get any closer to me. Maybe I should've told them to go home as soon as they came but Tristen wasn't like this. He was never like this as far as I known him until today. 

"Payton" Jackie said making me snap out of my thoughts. I nervously wrapped him arms around my waist before looking up at him. He didn't say anything else he just motioned for me to come close to him. Without thinking my move through I took one step closer before stopping. "Payton he needs you right now before hos wolf wins over. Your touch will tame both Tristen and his wolf but only for a little while. Just give me your hand." 

"B-but.." I stuttered but I couldnn't even find an excuse to say. I had good ones in my mind but for some reason I couldn't make them into words to say. 

"Payton don't make him madder then her already is. You love him don't you?" 

Yes, of course I love him but again my couldn't say it, at least not under these conditions. Without saying anything more I reached my hand out and hesitantly touched Tristen's shoulder his tensed form relaxed a little but he was clearly still tensed. Hesitantly, I placed my other hand on his arm and that seemed to snap him out of his trance because his once pitch black eyes were the blue that I loved so much.

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