16~Birthday Wish

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This is dedicated to fayfay because is my 200th fan!!!

Thank You to everyone who voted and commented and I epically want to thank the people who guessed what Payton wish would be and now you'll find out in this chapter. I think that the title fit this chapter well don't ya think? 

I'll stop talking now and let you guys read!!!

By the way.....VERY LONG CHAPTER!!!!

16~ Brithday Wish

Payton P.O.V. 

I'm trying to have fun but I can't. I don't know if it's the nerves of what's going to happen tonight or if it's because I don't feel comfortable dancing with any other guys but Tristen. But it's my party and I'm suppose to have fun, but I can't.

I quickly removed the guy arms from around me and walked off the dance floor. Trisha being the good but too nice of a friend left the guy she was dancing with to follow me.

Today, like any other day Trisha looked beautiful. She had a yellow dress on that wasn't too short and had a v cute in the front. The dress showed that she had a nice shape and her hair was up in a tight bun. Like always she had on little to no make up and black heels. 

Once Trisha reached me she crossed her arms over her chest and frowned. " Don't give me that look Trisha I'm fine, I just need some air." Turning around, I walked away from her but she wasn't letting me get away that fast. 

" Payton Samia Adas don't walk away from me," Trisha said. Oh, how I love it when she calls me by my full name. I stopped before I walked into the kitchen looking over at the lonely girl that was leaning against the wall. Her blond hair was in a long neat braid going over her left shoulder and she looked glamorous with her tight green dress and black heels.

" I should be the last person that your worrying about," I told Trisha. She looked at me confused before I pointed to Brianna over by the wall with a red cup in her hand. Her eyes were watery but you could tell she was trying to hold back tears. When she caught a glimpse of us she shot a fake smile our way before walking into the kitchen and out the back door. 

" What happened to her?" I asked. Just an hour and a half ago she was pumped and ready for this party but now she's on the brink of crying.

Trisha groaned before shaking her head and frowning. " I think I found the problem." I turned my head in the direction that Trisha was looking in and also frowned. A girl was dancing on Lewis and it looked like he was enjoying every second of it. 

We are so going to have a talk later but right now I have to check on my friend. Her, Trisha, Erin, Lora and my sister Coral all helped with making tonight the best night possible for me and lets not forget Tristen, Lewis, Ashton and Shane helped too. Everyone of them are having fun but god only knows where Tristen is right now and Brianna is definitely not having fun. I'm not selfish, I want everyone to be happy tonight because it's my birthday. 

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