4~Secrets Aren't Fun

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Tristen's P.O.V.

I really want to go home now. When I said I'll take Payton out I meant Payton only clearly she didn't understand what I meant. So instead of Payton and me celebrating her double success together and by double success I mean running those two and a half miles and then next day she was able to run three and a half. 

I'm proud of her because she pushes herself until the end but I was hoping to celebrate her success with her. Not her, her best friend, her brother, her sister and my sisters. I don't want them here with us and I don't know why I find it an issue that they're here. I guess today wasn't at all what I expected. 

Payton, Coral, Trisha, Erin and Lora were somewhere lost in the crowds of the fair, while Lewis and I ate at one of the picnic benches. "You ok?" Lewis asked me.

"Prefect" He shrugged knowing I was lying but right now it wasn't really important. Today is all about Payton, not about me. 

"This is real nice of you to take us all here," Lewis told me taking a sip of his soda, "you should've seen her when you left the house yesterday. She was doing flips off the walls and she barely slept last night." I smiled knowing I was the cause of her happiness. I knew she was excited for today by the look in her eyes but hearing someone else say it caused something inside of me to...come alive? 

It wasn't a bad feeling but it was a good feeling.....almost like a pleasurable feeling. "You don't want us all here do you?" Lewis asked me.

I didn't hesitate to answer him, "No not really." It was the truth. Within the little time that I knew this family I've begun to see Lewis as more and more of a friend. We would talk constantly about anything we could think of and then later laugh about it.

"Yeah, it looks like you’re annoyed with all of us here." He smiled at me but for a second there was this knowing glint in his eyes. As if he found another puzzle piece to an unsolved puzzle, but with in an instant the glint in his eyes were gone and his gaze shifted to the girls approaching us.

"Look what Payton won" Trisha announced. "It's a gummy bear!" I turned around and in Payton hands was a three foot, green gummy bear.

"His name is Rocco" she said with a proud smile on her face as she held the gummy bear close to her. Her grey eyes were filled with happiness but her face turned red as soon as her stomach made a loud growling noise.

"Now don't eat Rocco now, you know he isn't a real gummy bear right?" Lewis said and everyone laughed. 

"Shut up," she told her brother sitting on the bench next to him and putting Rocco on her lap. "I haven't eaten since this morning cut me some slack," Payton pulled her bag out from under the table and took out the food she brought from home and of course it contained a healthy meal.

"Well, since I'm done eating I'm going to go play some games," Lewis said getting up from the bench. 

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