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Shade's POV:

I watched helplessly as Aurora rose to the ceiling and fell down to the floor, landing with a sickening thud. Pure hatred welled up inside of me as I screamed out and struggled against the invisible force that held me pinned to the wall.

"Emrick!" I growled loudly as he begun to walk towards Aurora's limp body. "I swear if you lay one hand on her i'll-"I began angrily, only to be cut off.

"You'll what?" he asked, amusement seeping into his voice "you're clearly in no position to make threats, so since looks can't kill... kindly shut the hell up" he finished with a small sigh.

"You can't keep me here forever... and when I break free the first thing I'm going to do is rip off your smug little head," I screamed brutally.

He looked at me blankly for a second before he scoped Aurora carelessly into his arms, allowing her head to fall back into an uncomfortable position.

"Someone's in a mood" laughed Emrick as he rolled his eyes mockingly "didn't you ever teach your son how to control his tongue?" he questioned, starting at Sebastian who had remained silent the whole time.

A sudden anger flashed across Sebastion's eyes but it was quickly replaced by a look of regret, he hung his head in shame and then looked up at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Oh, that's right" grinned Emrick as he turned to face the blown up door. "and as for you boy," he added, placing heavy emphasis on his words "I would love to see you try" he finished, looking over his shoulder to stare at me in the eyes.

He left the room in a blur, causing me and Sebastian to fall to the ground. My knees stung painfully over the contact but I quickly pushed myself to my feet regardless.

"We need to get her back" I growled, immediately making my way to the door.

I felt Sebastian grab onto my arm in an effort to stop me, I jerked out of his light contact and stared at him bitterly.

"Did you not hear what she said before she was taken?" he asked before I could speak.

"Yes, but-" I protested.

"But nothing, we are no use to her on our own, Lucifer is too powerful" he established.

In my heart I knew he was right, if we went straight after her without backup we could both end up getting captured, leaving her completely defenceless against Lucifer and his demon army.

"You're right" I concluded as I exited the door "we have to find Chase first"

"I think that I may know where he is," said Sebastian as he limped after me. "I have often heard screams coming from the lower tower, I swear I heard the name Cobalt once... does that mean anything to you?" he questioned, pushing his dark hair out of his eyes.

"Yeah, Cobalt is his dragon" I explained, allowing a glimmer of hope to shine within me "but why should I trust you?" I asked, not allowing my judgement to be clouded.

"Look, I know that you don't really know me but I am your father... and I want to make things right with you" He responded genuinely.

"You don't understand" I begun, looking up into his sorrowful golden eyes. "I have spent a very long time directing all of my anger towards one name... your name, so it's hard for me to come to terms with the fact that you are not the enemy, let alone the fact that you are my father" I finished honestly, watching his weary face for his response.

"I know that it will take time, but please know that I am finally able to be here for you... when you're ready," he said delicately.

I thought over what he said for a moment before I nodded my head, I knew that I was going to have to give him a chance eventually but that thought alone was not enough to make me trust him, but I also knew that he was my best, and only chance of finding Chase and rescuing Aurora.

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