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We walked back down the stairs and headed towards our class, and since we all had morning combat together we walked in a large group, we headed outside and down to a large field full of training dummy's and targets.

When we arrived the teacher greeted us and told us to stand with the others. I saw Max standing by a couple of other guys and made my way over to him, Chase, Verity, and Orpheus following close behind.

"Hey" I whispered moving to stand next to him.

"Hey," he said back in a hushed voice.

I brought my attention back to the teacher, watching him pace back and forth with a serious expression on his face.

"Now that you are all here, I would like to introduce myself." He said coming to a stop in front of us all. " I am Mr Kohl" he finished giving a small bow.

A tall boy with enchanting blood red eyes and raven black hair that fell attractively around his perfectly chiselled face walked down the hill and stood next to him.

"Ah, Everyone, this is Shade," he said gesturing the boy "he is in your year but arrived at the academy late" he confirmed.

He looked at the crowd carefully until his eyes fell on mine, they flickered a lighter shade of red but showed no emotion, electricity surged through my body making it difficult for me to stand, I shivered and swallowed the pain as my shoulder burned uncontrollably, trying not to let him see how he was affecting me. I buckled the right slightly and grabbed onto Orpheus' arm to steady myself. To look more natural I linked my arm through his, he gave me a confused look and I smiled weakly and reflected a 'don't ask' sort of look, well the best one I could anyway. He nodded his head and placed his arm around my back holding me up.

Shade narrowed his eyes at Orpheus and continued to stare into my soul before breaking his agonizing eye contact. The electricity died down but lingered in the air causing me to take in a sharp intake of breath.

"Although he is only a first year, Shade will be helping me teach some parts of your combat lessons as his previous trainer is a well know associate of the school, and has trained Shade into one of the schools most highly skilled warriors," said Mr Kohl.

I looked back over to Shade, making sure not to catch his eye contact again. It was strange, he had me wanting to find out more about him but at the same time, he made me want to run and never look back.

"Thanks," I said unlinking myself from Orpheus.

"No problem, but do you want to tell me what the hell happened, you looked like you were gonna faint," he said concern lacing his robust features.

"I'll fill you in at break with the others," I said with a convincing smile.

He nodded his head and turned back towards Kohl. Positive that my shoulder had been on fire, I reached my hand up behind me to touch it but there was no mark.

"We will start by doing some archery," he said beckoning us over to the targets.

A big smile grew on my face, I've always loved archery. From when I was a little girl my dad would always take me into the woods to practice. I listened politely to Mr Kohl explain how to use a bow and arrow and waited patiently for him to allow us to start.

"Okay, you can start. Don't worry if you don't hit the target the first time, I'm fully aware that some of you have never even picked up a bow" he said.

Taking my bow off my waist, I popped it out to its full size and grabbed an arrow. I turned to the side and stood up tall, keeping my feet apart. I then nocked an arrow and drew the drawstring.

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