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***AN: Credit to Wacky_Weirdo

for making me the above cover, I love it 😊💜

If anyone else has digitally made, or even drawn anything to do with my book, please feel free to send it to me via my Instagram: obsidian9302 (I will 100% follow you guys back) and if you give me permission, post whatever Angel Academy based stuff that you send me

Anyway, on with the story***

Aurora's POV:

I shivered against the cool night air and wrapped my cloak further around my body as I looked down as Shade who was still fast asleep, he looked so peaceful, as if he lived in some sort of perfect world where he didn't have to worry about anything

"You look so innocent, you could almost pass as cute," I said, voicing my thoughts aloud.

His crimson eyes suddenly opened, making me scurry backwards in surprise.

"What did you say?" he questioned in a groggy morning voice.

"Nothing" I replied instantly, still slightly panicked by his sudden awakening.

"Ok" he replied, making me sigh in relief.

He pulled himself up into an upright position and stretched his arms upwards with a small groan before he turned his head to face me, his classical smirk spread widely across his face.

"So I didn't just hear you call me cute?" he grinned, raising his eyebrows.

I looked at him blankly for a couple of seconds, not knowing how to respond before awkwardly turning around to lay down.

"It's your turn to take watch" I stated, ignoring his previous comment.

"Sleep well Princess" he laughed, moving to sit next to my body.

I closed my eyes and eventually drifted off into a deceiving sleep, which just so happened to take me back to the place that I had been thinking of the most... Angel Academy.

"Aurora!" chimed the voice of Chase.

I dropped my book and looked wide-eyed at Orpheus who was sitting next to me on the common room's sofa.

"Oh no, not again" I exclaimed, dropping the book that I was reading in panic.

Orpheus released a small laugh and picked up my book, setting it down on the small wooden coffee table.

"You know that he's not going to give up until you agree to go with him" he laughed.

I sighed heavily and nodded my head slowly.

"Then there's no point in avoiding him" he grinned, setting down his own book.

At the same moment, Chase burst into the room and bounded towards us.

"There you are! why didn't you say anything?" he asked, jumping onto the sofa next to me.

"Whats up?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

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