Chapter Twenty-Seven {End}

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Carter sat on the park bench, staring out over the lake. It was a warm day, the sun filtering through the trees around him, and its warm glow bathed Carter as the slight wind blew through his hair. It was relaxing and peaceful.

Carter wondered if this feeling was what Alex felt every time he stepped outside. Alex had told him over the past two months since Archer had left, all about what it was like to be a werewolf. He told him of the heightened senses, the urges, the feelings of being free when you turned. Most of all, Alex had told him with a smile on his face what it felt like to be out in the open, to feel the wind on your face and to be able to smell the grass and hear the birds at the tops of trees. He told him how he felt when he stepped outside, and how it amplified when he immersed himself in nature. Carter had listened to it all with an open mind, and it had brought them closer than they had before.

All things considered, Carter believed that they were making good progress and that their lives were finally getting back on track. Carter had gone over to Alex's house a few days earlier and he could see just how much their relationships had improved. He was happy for Alex, who was slowly, but surely, coming to terms with who he was now, and really understanding that he could be who he was without endangering those around him.

He was brought out of his thoughts when a body sat down next to his, and he turned his gaze to Alex, who had finally joined him.

"You're late," Carter accused with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, my brother and I got into an intense xbox battle."

Carter smiled to himself, things really were better for Alex. "Excuses, excuses." Carter shook his head, but his fake annoyance was destroyed when Alex's lips touched his and all other thoughts left him. Alex drew back way too soon for Carter's liking, and so he reached out and grabbed a fist full of Alex's bright blue shirt and pulled his lips back to his for another heart stopping kiss. When they lost breath they had to pull away and Carter just rested his head against Alex's shoulder. "I missed you," he breathed out.

"It's only been a day," Alex chuckled, "but I missed you too," he admitted.

They sat there in silence for a few moments until Alex asked, "How was your video call with Archer this morning?"

Carter smiled. "Yeah, it was really good, the pack wars are still going on but its died down a lot apparently, and the Alpha still has no clue that you are alive."

"How's Cole?"

"Archer's still a little worried about him, but he says that he is getting better. I think the whole thing with Roxy really hit him hard, and he's trying to figure out who he is." Alex nodded, and Carter lifted his head off of Alex's shoulder. That was when Carter noticed the picnic box sitting next to Alex on the bench. "You brought me food?" Carter asked with a smile and Alex nodded.

"Well I couldn't invite you out for a picnic without the food, now could I?" Alex smiled, gently linking his hand with Carter's and picking up the picnic basket with the others.

The two walked closer to the water before Alex drew a large blanket out of the box and laid it down over the grass. The two of them sat on the blanket, the picnic box sitting just to the side of it. 

"Hungry?" Alex asked as he threw a sandwich at Carter.

"Oh that's romantic, throwing sandwiches at your lovely boyfriend," Carter huffed out, taking a bite.

"Shut up and eat your sandwich," Alex smiled lovingly at Carter as he got one out of the box for himself.

"So," Carter mumbled out between chews, "Roxy asked me the other day if we wanted to go one a double date with her and Ben."

"Do we want to go on a double date with her and Ben?" Alex asked, looking at Carter.

Carter nodded. "Yeah, I think we should."

Roxy had been wary of getting back into a relationship, and rightly so, but according to Roxy, this guy was nice, and so he was happy to go on a double date, if only to make sure that this guy wasn't planning to break his best friends heart.

"How are things going with your family?" Carter asked, taking another bite of his food.

"Really good." Alex smiled.  

"I'm glad."

"So," Alex turned towards his boyfriend, "I may have an ulterior motive for asking you to come here today.."

At first the words worried Carter, but Alex didn't look guilty or upset, so Carter relaxed. "Are you leaving me for Jake? I knew it."

Alex slapped his arm gently. "You're an idiot."

"And you still haven't told me what that so called ulterior motive is?" Alex reached into the picnic box and brought out a small black box. Carter's eyes widened. "If that's a ring, you know where you are going," he threatened in a mock serious voice, tilting his head towards the lake.

Alex laughed, handing Carter the box. Carter handled it like a bomb ready to explode, looking at it with a cautious gaze as he slowly opened the lid. He wasn't sure what he had thought it was, but he defiantly wasn't expecting to see his promise ring in the box.

"How?" Carter ogled the ring with wide eyes. "I left it at the table after our fight."

Alex smiled. "I might have slipped it in my pocket, I just saw it there and I knew that I couldn't just leave it there."

"Thank-you," Carter lifted the ring from the box and went to place it on his finger when Alex' hand shot out and stopped him.

Carter looked at him with confused eyes. "What?"

Alex shook his head. "Don't put it on."


Alex reached into his pocket and lifted out his own ring, placing it on the palm of his hand and looking out over the lake. "Let's get rid of them."

"Why?" Carter nudged him, getting Alex to look at him.

Alex's gaze met Carter's and Alex cupped Carter's cheek with his hand. "I want to start new with you, I want the next promise that we make to each other to last a lifetime. When you told me, ages ago, that these rings meant nothing you were right, I just couldn't see that. The promise was broken already. Let's just get rid of them and make a new promise, a promise of forever." 

Carter blinked back tears as he pressed his lips to Alex's in a sweet kiss.

"Okay," he told him, pulling away and standing up.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked him.

Carter looked down at his boyfriend and smiled. "Come on."

The two walked to the edge of the water, the water's edge right at the tops of their shoes. The large lake was spread out in front of them and they linked their hands together, their free hands holding the old promise rings.

"On three?" Alex asked and Carter started counting.


Alex smiled at Carter before saying, "Two."

"Three," Carter almost whispered and at the same time they both threw the rings into the lake, both of the tiny objects flying through the air and making the smallest dint in the water before sinking straight to the bottom where they would never be seen again.

Alex turned his body to face Carter's."Forever?"

There was no question in Carter's mind who he wanted to spend forever with. The rest of the world was so uncertain, and yet he knew, even in the darkest corners of his mind and the deepest depths of his heart, that if he had Alex, he would be okay.


I hope that you have all enjoyed the story!

I have a few other werewolf stories which are completed, so I do hope that you check them out! You can find them on my profile. 

Make sure you follow me to get updates on any future stories that you might be interested in! Thank-you for all of the support!

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