Chapter Twelve

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Perhaps a more suitable reaction to Jakes words would have been to turn back in the opposite direction and run, but then again, Jake was as high as a kite, and would probably just run after him thinking it was some game of cat and mouse.

So, Carter took a deep breath and walked slowly up to the table, observing the two guys in front of him. Jake was tapping his foot impatiently and his hand was shaking. The hand that was lifting the joint to his mouth was shaking so much that Carter wondered how he hadn't stabbed himself in the eye with the thing.

William, who sat next to him on the picnic table top, looked too zoned out to care. His eyes were glassy and he just stared out into the distance, his eyes not really focussing on anyone. These boys were taking something, and it wasn't what they usually took. Carter could tell because even when they were high at school they were still somewhat themselves, but right now, they both looked like the drugs had replaced their personality and left them with shells of themselves.

"Come on, I don't have all day," Jake said as he watched Carter walk towards them.

Carter stopped just before the table, wary of getting too close to them. William didn't look dangerous at all, but Jake looked like a ticking time bomb.

"What's up Jake?" he asked, looking around them to see if Roxy was coming. He sighed in relief when she was nowhere to be seen. He didn't want these two anywhere near her.

"What is going on with you and Alex?" Jake asked while continuously tapping his foot against the wood of the bench seat.  


"Our," Jake gestured to himself and then William, "best friend has hardly been around these last few days and we saw him and you leaving the cafeteria together, so what's going on there?"

Carter rolled his eyes at the assumption. "It's none of your business, but nothing is going on with Alex and I."

Jake shook his head and narrowed his bloodshot eyes. "I don't believe you."

"Well, I don't care what you think, I'm not lying," Carter told him, standing his ground. He was telling the truth, not that he really expected someone out of their mind on drugs to be able to see that.

"Something is going on," Jake muttered angrily, shaking his head.

Carter was sick of this, Jake and William were way too out of their minds to have a normal conversation, and he should go tell Roxy that they should just go home, it was a bad idea to come here.

"Goodbye Jake," Carter mumbled, but before he turned to go back towards the road he saw Jake standing up on the seat and getting off the table.

This stopped Carter, who stood and watched as Jake took a threatening step towards him while at the same time bringing the joint to his mouth and pulling it away slowly. Jake seemed threatening all of a sudden, and a bad feeling pooled in Carter's stomach.

"You're sleeping with him, aren't you?" Jake taunted with a wicked smile.

Carter shook his head, regretting his decision not to turn and leave when he had the chance. "No, I am not. Just drop this Jake."

Jake had a crazed look in his eyes, and Carter couldn't see this going well. He pissed off a drug addict. Great. Just what he needed.

"You are sleeping with my friend." Jake was getting angrier, he dropped the joint on the ground and focussed all of his attention on Carter. Jakes' fists were clenching and unclenching shakily at his sides.  "He hasn't been himself these last few days, and now I know why."

Carter took a hesitant step back. "Jake calm down. I'm not sleeping with Alex, okay?"

"You're a liar, and a crappy liar at that. I know how you look at him, we all see it, how you pathetically pine over the guy who broke poor Carter's heart," he taunted with cruelty in his voice.

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