Chapter Six

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Carter was quite used to blending into the crowd. This morning, however, he seemed to be the focus of every blatant stare and not so secret whisper. The origin of the dark bruise on his face was apparently a hot topic amongst his fellow students who didn't even try to disguise their curious stares and rumour filled whispers amongst friends.  

He kept his head down, passing through the groups of people and trying to block out the outrageous comments he heard as he passed.

"I heard that Alex beat him up, his own Ex!" "He tried to pick a fight with Jake." "What happened to his face?" "He and Alex used to be so perfect, and now look at them, beating each other up!"

Carter had been close to just going back the way he came and getting into his car, ready to go home and bury himself under a pile of TV and junk food, but he reconsidered when he saw Roxy standing next to his locker, her eyes trained on the phone clenched between perfectly manicured fingers. Roxy was always there for him, she was one of the only people he could really count on, and so he took a deep breath and approached her.

"Hey Roxy," he greeted weakly as he put his locker combination into the lock.

"This schools rumour mill should get an award for least accurate," she mumbled in reply, skipping over a greeting. She didn't look up from the phone that will still nestled in her grasp.

"I know what you mean," he agreed, shoving his bag into his locker.

"Someone texted me this morning that Alex beat you up for hitting on Jake," Roxy spoke like that was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard, and that was probably true.

Carter sighed. "The rumours even got to my sister, and she doesn't even go here."

Roxy pushed her phone into her pocket with a very unladylike grunt."Let's just forget about all the morons here. Today we are getting transfer students!" she smiled.

"Transfer students?" Carter asked, his face still buried in his locker as he searched for a pen.

"Yeah, two people from Greece or Italy or something are joining the school today, someone texted me this morning about it."

Carter wondered how Roxy always seemed to know everything that was going on within the school. He wouldn't have been surprised if she was at the top of some gossip phone tree.

"And I care about this because?"

"Because European guys are hot?" Roxy laughed, flipping dark hair over her shoulder.

Carter shook his head slightly, but conceded, "Well, you aren't wrong about that."

He tucked a book under his arm and closed his locker, turning to fully face his best friend. Roxy looked as pretty as usual, her eyes rimmed in eyeliner and her usually straight hair was curled at the ends into elegant ringlets. He was moments from complimenting her when her eyes widened.

"Woah," she reached up to trace the outline of the bruise with cautious fingers, "That looks sore."

"It's not too bad," he slowly turned away from her fingers, leading them down the hallway to their first class.

The door was open when they arrived at their class, students were talking and messing around and the teacher was nowhere to be seen. Roxy and Carter took their usual spots in the middle, with a spare seat on their other sides.

Roxy made a disgruntled sound next to him, and Carter looked at her, only to see her gaze focused on the front of the room.

He followed her eye line to see Jake and Alex entering the class room. They both looked like emo rockers and Carter wanted to roll his eyes at how much Alex had changed. The boy looked but a shadow of his former self and he seemed so out of place. Jake was tall but he was lanky, and thin. Alex was the opposite of the pale, think stereotypical emo boy, his tanned skin and muscles being poorly hidden underneath the mass of black.

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