Chapter 29 "Smooth Plan"

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I watched Helena expectantly as she paced, while conversing with someone on the phone. Judging by her hard expression, I knew she was hearing an unpleasant news. After a couple of minutes, she ended the call and unexpectedly slammed the phone on her table. Confused, I briefly glanced at Red who was leaning against the wall, meeting her curious gaze before bringing my attention back to the boss. She then angrily swiped all the things on her table and cursed, causing me to approach her instantly. Not that I was actually worried, I was pretending to be worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sounding worried.

Her eyes turned to slits when she looked at me. "All of Lucian's facilities had been burned to the ground by that same group," she hissed furiously, "In just eight days, eight days, I lost three of my facilities. Damn it!" I almost laugh at the predicament she was in, fortunately I was able to control myself. Scar babe and the Violent Storm did a pretty good job in pissing The Mother off. Just few more of her facilities and we would be able to bring her down.

"Do you have any idea who were those people?" I asked, trying to look concerned. 

She shook her head while clenching her jaw, "No." 

Red who was standing silently in the distance, strode in our direction. "Maybe Violet had something to do with the sabotage," she stated causing my ears to tingle. 

I turned to her, glaring, "As if I'd do that to my own mother."

"Well, it's just a little came, then days after, an unknown group had managed to infiltrate and destroy the facilities which had been running smoothly for years. If I may say, I think you are their collaborator," she accused. I looked over to The Mother who was silent since Red had spoke up and met her suspicious gaze.

Red, you bitch!

I composed myself and remained calm. "Tell me Red, what would I get by sabotaging the Red Circle?"

"If I'm right, you're still affiliated with the Agency and bringing down the cartel is your mission." If I wasn't pretending, I would have applauded her for her deducting skill. Damn, when did she have grown a brain?

I smirked, "Sadly're wrong. I may have been part of the Agency, but that was before I killed my friend and decided to join my mother. The Agency is already an ancient history for me Red, now I'm a Red Circle and I wouldn't do anything that would jeopardize my position, my mother and the cartel." As she stared hard at me, she sidled closer, reducing the gap between us.

"You're not fooling me Violet, I can see through you. I'm gonna prove that my suspicions are true and it's just a matter of time before I find out the truth."

"Oooohhh, I'm shivering in fear..." I trembled mockingly before chuckling, "Okay, prove it Red. I dare you."

"That's enough!" Helena hissed causing us to back down, "I don't wanna deal with your petty argument right now. If you two have nothing better to do, you might as well shut up!" she snapped causing me to roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry Mother," Red apologized promptly, "So what shall we do now?"

"I'm not sure but there's a possibility that the Coxs are behind the sabotage. It's the more reason that we have to find them as soon as possible. Any leads about their location, Violet?" My eyes widen for a fraction briefly as I was caught off guard. I didn't expect she would bring it up.

"I'm... afraid there's still no progress on that end Hel - I mean mom," I said calmly making her frown.

She clicked her tongue, "That's not the answer I was expecting Violet. I hope you don't disappoint me by making me wait long." I glared at Red who was smirking at me.

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