Chapter 2 "Samantha Flynn"

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I sat quietly while waiting patiently for the principal to finish scrutinizing me from head to toe. Earlier, as soon as I entered the school premise, a girl suddenly came up beside me and said I was asked to come to the principal's office immediately. I was reluctant at first but then the girl assured me it was nothing serious. Apparently, it was the principal's usual deed to welcome new students in her school. 

But was scrutinizing me up part of her welcome deed?

I cleared my throat before speaking up, "I feel welcomed already Mrs. Meyers. Thank you!" I said sarcastically but in a serious tone. 

Her eyes narrowed and brows arched together for a moment before her expression changed back to normal. She smiled and nodded at me, "It's nice meeting you Ms. Flynn and welcome to your new school. Sara will guide you to your first class." 

I smiled half-haearted, "Thank you again Mrs. Meyers."

We both stood up from our seats and nodded at Sara who suddenly appeared from the corner room. The principal ushered Sara and me towards the door and smiled before we headed on our way. 

"I'm Sara by the way," she said cheerfully.


"Cute name. So where are you from Sam?" My ears tingled slightly when she shortened my name. I was yet used to my fake name and when she shortened it, it sounded different, a good difference. 

"Just far from here," I replied vaguely. I expected her to ask me the specific but luckily she wasn't that curious. 

"You're not a chatty one, are you?" I didn't bother answering her so she probably took it as a yes. She stayed silent for a moment while we continue walking down the hall which I was grateful for. As much as I wanted to be alone as I knew where my classes were, I couldn't really refused the principal. She might asked questions which I was trying to avoid. 

The silence didn't last long when Sara spoke asking for my class schedule. I sighed handing it to her. She scanned it carefully before her expression changed to a grim one.

"You have the same section with Olivia?" she asked, her tone sounded crestfallen.

"Who?" I retorted, pretending I didn't know who she was talking about.

"She's the devil's spawn making this school hell with her presence," she suddenly blurted angrily. It was unexpected coming from her who looked like someone who couldn't say bad words to other people.


"So? You don't wanna mess with her or else she will make your life a living hell."

"Oh okay." Her brow raised while her eyes narrowed at my statement. She must be thinking I was stupid for not believing her. If only she knew that I knew about Olivia.

"You'll know what I'm talking about when you meet her."

I just shrugged and continued walking at my usual speed which was a little faster for Sara. I was thankful she was keeping up with my pace by half-running and that I didn't have to slow down so she could catch up with me. I saw her glanced at her watch and motioned for me to walk faster. She probably realized I was getting late but I didn't really mind because school wasn't important, my mission was. 

"I'm so sorry for talking too much. I didn't realize it was already time for your first subject."

You think so? Instead of blurting that out, I remained silent watching her black hair that cascaded in the middle of her small back, moved in her every steps. When I first saw her earlier, I could tell she was a bubbly person by how she carried herself and greeted every student she met on her way, students must liked her because of it. And talking about her appearance, she didn't look bad, in fact, she looked cute with those round eyeglasses of her but if she removed them, she would look pretty.

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