Chapter 17 "The Bitch's Confession"

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I stood on the porch, glaring the whole time as I watched Scarlett and Sara talking in a distance. When Sara unexpectedly showed up, my mood instantly turned sour just by seeing her face. Why did she have to follow Scarlett anyway? Did something happen between them while I wasn't around? And now that she knew everything, it just gave her more reason to keep coming on Scarlett.

When Sara touched Scarlett's arm, I gritted my teeth to keep me from hissing. I wasn't liking how close they were in the first place, I wanted to break them apart, but it wasn't like I could walk up there. I knew looking at them would get me all worked up but I couldn't just take my eyes off of Scarlett while Sara was around.

Well, it looked like I was getting possessive over Scarlett again.

I straightened my bearing when I heard someone cleared their throat then dad appeared beside me, "You're glaring the whole time, do you perhaps dislike that new girl?"

I clicked my tongue, "Dislike is an understatement,"

"Why? Did she do something to you?"

Well she's always flirting with my bodyguard and it irritates me! 

"Not really," I answered with a brief smile. 

"Hmmm okay. Well, can I ask you something?"

I rolled my eyes as I chuckled, "Dad, you were already asking me."

He laughed lightly while bobbing his head, "Right. Anyway, I was about to ask you're into girls?" My eyes opened wide as I was clearly caught off guard by the question. Until now I hadn't told my parents about that as I wasn't sure how they would react that if I told them I was into girls also.

I forced a chuckle, although it sounded a little awkward, and shrugged, "O-Of course not dad! I only like dicks, gosh! Why would you ask me that?"

"Oh I'm sorry. I assumed you were as I noticed how you look at Scarlett..." Was I that obvious? "...But even if you do like girls, that's not a problem for me. I just want you to be happy and if that makes you happy then I'm all for it."


He chuckled lightly, "Yeah really, really."

My smile grew wide, "If that is so then I admit...I like vaginas too." His eyes grew wide with his mouth hung open. 

"But y-you just said you only know."

I chuckled, "Dicks? Yeah I said that but that was before you said you're okay with me liking girls. So thanks for being open-minded dad." I hugged him tightly, pressing my cheek to his chest while I giggled. Knowing that dad was so cool about me being a bi brought me so much joy and relief. 

I felt his arms wrapped around me, giving me a comforting feeling. "So do you like Scarlett?"

Ugh, those days without Scarlett was like hell, it was boring and lonely. But during those times, I realized what I was doing was wrong. It didn't feel right to push her away just because I felt frightened around her. I became too paranoid and I needed to stop it before it would be too late.

Looking up to dad with a smile, I spoke, "Yes...I like her so much."

He gave me a lopsided grin, "Then make her yours before someone could snatch her."

"Oh I'm planning to do that. But what about mom?"

"You don't need to worry about your mom. Like me, she also wants you to be happy." I sighed in relief and clung to dad even more. He had no idea how he made me happy, I even forgot the anger and jealousy I felt earlier. Gosh, this was just great. 

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