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I got all of Scar's belongings from her hand and made a few calls to have her apartment emptied out, and placed back onto the market.

Later I started to have my men call her work and say that she has moved on to better opportunities and that she would miss everyone. Scar sits on the couch in her mother's living room while she gains back her consciousness. I didn't believe that her mother would actually inject her with some sleepy meds, but I guess we can't judge a book by it's cover.

I wanted Scar to wake up and have a formal discussion about this instead of me kidnapping her and taking her to Russia. I wanted her to say her goodbyes to her parents if she really wanted to.

I was sitting on the couch looking at a few of Scar's baby pictures when, Cynthia, Scar's mother came and offered me something to drink.

"I made some tea. Would you like some?"

"Yes thank you."

I drinked the tea and continued to flip through the pages seeing everything Scar did in her childhood.

"I just wanted to say thank you. For at least letting us say our goodbyes."

"It's no problem...." Waving my hand off.

It became quiet between us both and Mark Scar's dad wasn't saying anything at all. Only looking at his hands in despair.


I looked to the couch across from me and saw Scar start to wake up. I put the photo album down and stood up to walk to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"How would you feel if you were stuck with a needle and passed out?"

"I wouldn't like it, but it was necessary."

Scar huffed out in sarcasm and I walked to the wall to give her space.

"Would you like for me to re-explain everything to you?"

"Contract, marriage, pleasure. Correct?"

"In simple terms, yes, correct. I've let you regain your consciousness to say goodbye to your family. After this we will get on the plane and head to Russia where I live."

"Fine, let me go ahead, but could you go outside?"

I nodded my head, and went to the front door and walked out from the threshold. I walked slowly to the middle Tahoe and leaned against the car.

Time went by, but for not too long. It was about fifteen minutes when Scar came out of the house walking towards me. She didn't look mad, sad, or happy, just a neutral expression.

"Ready to leave?"


We got into the car and headed to the airport where my plane was waiting for our departure. I looked to the side of me admiring Scar's beauty, and then she turns her head towards me and huffed and looked back out the window.

That's fine. Sooner you will be looking at me with admiration too.

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