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As I walked in on Monday morning, the halls were crowded, like really crowded. It was almost impossible to get through to my locker. I wanted to murder the boys walking in front of me. They were like turtles! I swear, it took like twenty minutes just to reach my locker!

When I got there though, I threw (literally threw) everything in my locker. Ain't nobody got time for that! The last few days have been passive, school last week was a breeze, the weekend was chill.

Today though, I looked like a mess. My hair was up in a messy bun (not a cute one either), and I was head to toe with sweats. I had woken up late and didn't have time for a shower- or really anything to be honest. There was not a spot of make up on my face, which I'm not complaining, make up is a hassle. How does Damien like this? 

I laugh quietly to myself and picked out my books from my cramped locker. As my hand pushes it shut, my eyes catch a glimpse of Damien headed my way. My lips curled into a smile as he approached. 

"Hey," He started, smiling.


"How was your weekend?" He asks me.

"Lazy, I sat around catching up on Teen Wolf with Molly."

(And Liam, but he doesn't need to know that)

"What about you?" I prompted.

"Nothing much, me and the boys watched sports and played some soccer."

"I wouldn't take you as someone who plays soccer. I was thinking more of baseball."

"Yeah, it was Ryder's idea, he lives for that game. It's okay I guess."

Damien tensed as he spotted Liam and Millay making their way over to us.

"Hey Liam, hey Molly!" I greeted.

"Hey Reelee!" Liam exclaimed. Reelee was a nickname he gave me at lunch the first day, and guess it stuck.

"Reelee?" Damien questioned, a little bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah, he gave it to me last Monday."

Before Damien could reply, something caught Liam's eye, and he excused himself. I watched as he made his way to the front doors before I turned back to Molly and Damien.

"I don't like him." He grimaced. 

"Hah! Someone's jealous!" Molly winked.

"That's what I said!" My voiced exclaimed, me and Molly high five-ing.

"I'm not jealous."

"Mhm..." Molly and I sounded in unison.

Suddenly, a small tap on my shoulder caught my attention. I turned to reveal Liam and a girl too caught up in looking around to face me. 

"Rhea, Molly, Damien, this is my cousin Trish!" He exclaimed, spinning her around to our direction.

My breath hitched and I took a step back. The devil, my tormentor, Trish D'Marco was standing in front of me. She had the same expression on her face but quickly turned into a smirk.

"Ah, just as I left you! An outcast and poorly dressed! You still are a little whore aren't you?" Trish mocked.

Tell me this is a nightmare! Please tell me this a nightmare!

I looked over to Liam, Molly, and Damien who all had scowling faces on them.

"Listen here bitch-" Molly started before Liam cut her off.

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