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"Oh Rhea he was such a gentleman!" Molly squealed as she told me about Friday night. "For an hour, we sat on the back porch, just chatting, then we ran from police, and then we got some food from Oak Wood Diner. He's such a great guy..."

"What school does he go to?" I ask her, intrigued.

"Oh... he doesn't go to school..." She said avoiding eye contact.

"What do you mean?"

"He-He's um... How should I say this... He graduated two years ago..." She stuttered.

"Molly..." My voice trailed.

"What? He's only two years older than me, and I'm turning eighteen in a month anyway." Molly excused. "And besides, if you can be in love with the school player, then I can be in love with an older man."

"First off, I don't love him, I hardly like him. Second, if I did in an alternate universe, he is my age, he is in high school with us, it is legal." I tell her.

"Legal? Drinking isn't legal, and yet we do it. Drugs aren't legal, but we got druggies here. Laws are nothing to us, so why is this so special?." She was getting angry.

"Fine, have your fling, but if anything happens, don't come crying to me." I state before I stood up, threw my tray out, and walked out of the cafeteria.

No drama, no problem. No drama, no problem. No drama, no problem. 

I tell my self this over and over in my head. As I walk down the halls, roaming, (I am not going back to the cafeteria) I hear voices getting louder as I walked closer. I peaked around the corner only to see Damien and a blondie talking to each other. Damien has an angry expression and the girl has a sad one.

"Please baby, I miss you." she whined. "What we had was good, those three months were our striving point at this school."

"Daina, I told you no. You aren't my type anymore, sorry." He shrugged.

"But baby! I love you! I know deep down you feel the same way." She said moving her fingers up his chest.

Damien quickly grabbed her hand and threw it off him. "No Daina, when I said I didn't want you, I meant it. Now I have to go." He huffed before storming past her and walking my way. 

I scurried down the hall as fast as I could, and before I could turn, I hear his voice call out my name.

"Rhea, wait up!" He said, walking directly toward me. This made me move quicker, faster paced, almost running. I was almost down the second hall when something grabbed my arm. "Rhea, didn't you hear me?" He asks.

"Uh.... no? I didn't... um hear you..." I gave a weak smile, hoping he'd buy it.

"I can tell when you are lying, Ree, I've noticed how your face scrunches up, and you look more confused than confident. Why didn't you stop?"

That nickname struck a memory in my head, as he talked.

"Hey girl!" I yell to my friend cross the room. We get to each other and give each other a side hug before beginning our conversation. 

"Ree, you have to see this video, its hilarious." My friend says as she pulls out her phone.

The video showed a girl in my grade named Eleanor being yelled at by one of  my friends, Tracey. Eleanor looked scared, and said nothing, she probably didn't even do anything. After thirty seconds of yelling, Tracey grabs Eleanor's hair and throws her to the ground. "Girls." Tracey says before stepping back, and allowing some more people I hang with beat Eleanor up. After a few minutes, the  video cuts off.

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