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"You have to come Rhea!" Molly squealed.

"No. I refuse to show up at any party. They are a waste of time, and besides, I have tons of homework to do." I told her, arms crossed and all. 

It had been a week since I came here, and I finally got settled in. I got my first period class was changed to drawling, which was a good break from my stressful surroundings. Molly has just been around me all the time, it's nice, to have a "friend", but dang this girl can get on your nerves. She even switched her lunch period to be with me... damn.

 I see Damon in the hallways, but in the past four days, he has showed up, with a different girl every day. He'd walk past me every morning, not even acknowledging my existence. I didn't mind at all actually, even though this meant he was bored with me, it would be one less person to worry about. 

"I swear girl. Everyone is going to think you are some weirdo if you don't get out more." She blatantly said.

Even though I knew it was true, those words stung a bit. "I'm ok with being a weirdo, I stopped caring about what others thought of me a while ago."

"Ugh. No fun." She sighed as she slouched back into her chair and started scrolling through her phone.

I sat in silence, slowly eating my chicken nuggets off my plate. I felt bad for saying no, she seemed really excited about it, but I have to think about myself. Doing that was exactly what got me into the mess I am in.

"Damn girl... Nice ass..." A random football player called to me as he walked behind me. He then, half way down the isle, almost dropped his tray from all the high fives he was getting from his friends. Molly looked up, confused.

"Just some jerkwad jock trying to score." I brushed off and continued eating. 

A few minutes before lunch was over, I was finished with the food, and my eyes roamed the cafeteria. Just like my old school. The lunch room was filled with cliques and groups. Cool kids sat near the large windows, in the back of the room, and the unpopular by the door and trash cans. My eye sight reached all the way to the end of the room, where the popular kids populated. My eyes stopped dead in their tracks at Damon, who was staring back at me too. Our eyes locked for a second before I looked away. I could feel his eyes still burning at me though, it  gave me chills. Don't even think about it. I told myself. 

The school day ended, and I made my way to my mom, who was waiting for me in the car. I had asked her to start taking me to and from school, after my mini panic attack on the bus. 

I was barely out the front entrance when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spin around quickly, almost hitting five kids with my backpack. 

"Sorry" I quickly muttered to them before giving my attention to a smirking Damon.

"Clumsy much?" He chuckled, his smirk growing.

"Yeah, I have the balance of a drunk dog," I tried to brush off.

"Let me give you a ride home." He offered, holding his keys in my face.

"No." I answered.

"And why not?" His smile wiped away and was replaced with a confused look.

"One. My mom is here... And two. I barely know you." I replied.

"Oh come on!" He whined. "Pretty please?! I'm not that bad..."

"What part of 'my mom is here' did you not hear?" I crossed my arms.

"Just tell her you have a last minute assignment with me." He pleaded. "Live a little."

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