Chapter 21, Bloodshed

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I can't believe BD won

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I can't believe BD won.

The vulgar man would win a few races, but never when Rhodes or I raced. And yet here we are, standing among people who are howling and yelling congratulations. Some are paying up if they lost a bet (which is most of them), and other are getting money if they won a bet (which is mostly BD's thugs).

I spot Amber getting hauled away from Jessica by BD's men. She's kicking and struggling, but the guys are twice her size and weight. I watch as they throw her into the black van and speed away. Its a bet. There's nothing I can do.

"This is bullshit!" I hear Rhodes yells at his inner-gang.

"Bro, a bet is a bet..." Sean says back to his leader.

"Screw the bet, that guy cheated! I never saw him pass me!" Rhodes yell back.

"An early turn is an early burn," the twins say in unison.

As little as I'd like to admit it, Rhodes is right. There is in fact no way BD didn't cheat, but... but who cares if he took Amber? That bet is nearly impossible in anyway. I don't care what happens with the golden girl.

"Blake, are you just going to let them go?" Lynch asks beside me. He's like a little puppy. A very annoying little puppy.

"Yes," I answer.

"But... but what about the bet?" he asks. One of his many curls fall to his face and he genuinely looks worried for Amber.

"If we can't keep this bet, who's to say we can keep the one with Amber?" I ask. In the gang life your word is everything. Nobody would make deals with you if you can't keep your word, because it's not like they can sue you when the whole show is illegal in anyway.

"YOU GUYS HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" Jessica says and storms down upon me and my inner-gang.

See, this is why I don't let people get away with talking back to me. Amber's disrespect has set a whole chain-reaction off and next thing you know I'll get targeted because people think they can yell or walk all over me.

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