Chapter Eight

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I was woke again with a jolt with Kevin's arms still wrapped around me. An alarm was going off and yet Kevin still slept soundly.

"Kevin" I said shaking him "You're alarms going off"

Still with his eyes closed he reached blindly behind him for his phone. He cracked an eye open and squinted at it before groaning and muttering "I'm going to kill Adley"

I frowned confused and turning to face him

"How do you feel?" I asked

He pulled me closer to him closing his eyes again "Better with you here"

"Such a sap" I said poking his nose "You need to get up"

"I will, just five more minutes" he protested still holding me tightly

"Kevin" I said "you're practically crushing me"

"I love waking up with you" he said

I grinned and gave him a kiss "Me too"

Five minutes later Kevin was still not up

"Kevin you need to get up, you have a game today!" I said poking him

He groaned and opened his eyes to look at me

"I know, I'm not feeling so hot right now"

"I'm not surprised, you got here at 2am and didn't sleep until closer to 3am and now it's 6:30am"

He groaned again "Nurse Ali make this headache go away and give me some energy"

"Come on Beckett, man up. It's just a hangover" I teased "Come on, get up and have a shower"

"Join me?" He questioned


"You know that definitely woke me up and got my blood flowing" Kevin winked at me from where he was sitting at the island eating toast

I blushed

"I think we should make that and pre game must" he continued making me blush even harder

"Can you come to the game tonight?" He asked

"I don't have other plans tonight" I answered

He grinned "I'll send you another ticket"

I smiled back and gave him a kiss

"Can you give me a ride to the rink?" He questioned putting his plate in the dishwasher

I shook my head "I don't have a car here"

"Really?" He said surprised "how do you manage that?"

I shrugged "I walk to work and I cab places"

"Amazing" he said "Okay, I'll call Adley there's no ways he's at the rink yet, the bastard was more drunk than me"

I laughed

"Wait around after the game too" Kevin said "I'd love to see you after"

I nodded "Of course me as well"

"You know I'm so glad to have met you" he said

I smiled at him and nodded "Me too"

Cody picked him up 10 minutes later and I promised to be waiting for him after the game and wished him luck.


The game wasn't until 7pm that night and I got a text from Nicole saying she would pick me up at 6:15. I guessed Kevin had told Nicole I didn't have my own car.

Calling the ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon