Chapter Five

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When I woke up the next morning, I had a text from Kevin waiting for me on my phone. I grinned reading it.

Morning, Beautiful ! I had a great time last night and already can't wait to see you Thursday night :) I imagine you will be sleeping most of today but don't forget to text me when you are on break tonight!

Last night was great! Yes I will text you when I'm on break because I want to hear all about how you guys killed Carolina! :)

I sent the message and then got dressed in some work out clothes before heading outside for a jog. I was loving the warm sunny weather and especially liked the perfect natural tan that I now sported. I ran down to the place where we had walked for our date the other night and reminisced about how great it had been.

I was shocked at myself for how easily I had fallen for this guy. I shook my head every time I thought that I had only met him Friday night... and it was now only Tuesday. Then I started to panic, this guy was a NHL hockey player after all, what interest does he really have in me when he could probably be dating like a VS angel or something. I ran faster as I thought about how skinny they were. Did he do this all the time, pick up girls in Clubs and play with them? I thought about all the stories I had heard my brother go on about the married Toronto players cheating on their wives or how they would sleep around (my brother included, 100%) and was starting to feel sick at the thought of Kevin with another woman even though we hadn't spoken about he exclusive. Hell, we had only been on like one date!

When I got back to my apartment after my hour long run, I usually felt better but I had spent the whole hour over thinking everything that had so far happened with Kevin and decided I needed to call my Mom for advice.

"Hey Honey! I miss you! I'm so glad you called!" My mom said excitedly "The twins have been driving me nuts but they are at school now thank god! Or at least, I hope they are at school. I never know with those two"

I could picture her shaking her head and running her hands through her graying blonde hair.

"I miss you too Mom" I said

"The twins said they called and told you about the invitation Chris sent for you?"

"Yeah, I thought it was very strange after a year of not speaking" I said

"Yes, I did too. I'm not sure what his angle is" Mom never liked Chris from the beginning, everyone else, me included thought he was a great guy

"I actually need some advice" I said and explained everything with Kevin. I didn't keep secrets from my mom at all.

"You just met Friday?" She clarified when I finished

"Yup" I nodded

"And you have seen each other everyday since then except today and he invited you to a game?"

"Yes" I confirmed

"It sounds like he likes you"

"You think? Because you know how Tyler goes on about Hockey boys" I said

"Don't overthink it Alison. You two are still getting to know each other and maybe he is not looking for anything serious, you'll have to talk and find out"

"It's just, I really like him. I know it's only been a few days but there's just something about him" I said "Do you think its possible to be in love with someone after only a few days"

"I think it is. But maybe don't tell him that"

"No! Definitely not saying anything" I said "I just wondered cause the only other guy I loved was Chris and I don't even know when I knew I loved him, it was so long ago"

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