Chapter Two

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Shifts started at 7:30 at this hospital and it was about a 15 minute walk to the hospital from my new apartment which was so much simpler then when I was in NYC when I would have to take the subway.

I usually left around 6:45 so I was early and could get report so the night nurse could go home on time. I worked up on a pediatric oncology floor. It was sad, I am not going to lie. Most days I go home and have a good cry about the poor kids with cancer. Most of them are so happy despite their diagnosis and they just melt my heart.

"Morning Ali!" I turned from my locker and saw Sarah walk into the staff lounge

"Hey!" I grinned "Morning"

"Ready for today?" she asked "Second shift by yourself, you think you feel confident?"

I nodded, changing into my light blue scrubs "Yeah, I really like this floor, everyone is so supportive"

"Yes, I found that too when I started working here"

"Morning ladies" another nurse said coming in

"Hey Kathy, this is Ali" Sarah said pointing to me "She's with us for the next like 13 weeks"

"Hi" I said smiling

"Oh very nice! We need nurses, so we are glad to have you!" She said "let me know if you ever need anything"

"I will, thanks" I smiled

I went out to the nursing station with Kathy and Sarah who I would be working with today. Both were very helpful which I was grateful for.

We all get assigned 4 patients, unless the unit is not full but it was today.

I wrote down the patients that I had and flipped through their charts quickly before finding the night nurse for report and introducing myself.

"I'm Linda, nice too meet you" she was an older women but seemed kind

"How was the night?" I asked with my clipboard and pen ready

"It was actually not too bad. Want to do bedside report, since you probably aren't familiar with any of these kids"

I nodded "That would be great"

"Okay so in 417, you have a little 7-year-old girl with ALL, she's been here with us for a while and is going through chemo right now. One of her parents is always at the best side with her" Linda said and we walked into the room

She had lost all her hair, was very pale and thin. She was sleeping and her Mom looked up at us and gave us a weak smile.

I smiled back and whispered "I'm Ali, I'll be Jessica's nurse today. I'll be back in a bit to check on her"

We left that room and went next door to 419.

"Here we have Timothy. He is 16-years-old and was recently diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He just began chemo yesterday and had a rough night. His dad said he didn't sleep much." Linda reported

Timothy was sitting on the edge of his bed when we walked in. He looked up at us. He still had his hair but was very skinny and pale.

"Hi Timothy, my name is Ali and I'll be looking after you today. I'll be back in a bit to check on you"

He nodded as we left the room.

"Poor kid, very nice though and polite" Linda said "Now this next patient has very intense family members. They were questioning everything I was doing, but weren't mean, just overly cautious"

I nodded, I was used to that in pediatrics.

"She's 11-years-old and is going for surgery tomorrow. She was diagnosed with a Grade 1 astrocytoma benign brain tumor. Because of the placement of the tumor she gets very bad headaches and is unsteady on her feet, but family is always at bedside helping her"

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