chapter twenty-six

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"Eric what's going on here? Talk to me!" Victoria said turning to Eric,tears already forming at the banks of her eyes.

"Babe i...I...I..haven't confirmed it yet,I don't know who the father of that baby in her womb is,I..babe I would take care of this matter OK just.. Just go upstairs" Eric said.

"Well Eric she's not the only pregnant woman here,I really need a lot of rest cause I think am more heavier than she is" shantel said smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"Shantel shut up and leave my house now! What's your problem? I don't love you neither do I want you around me,you disgust me,you irritate me,leave me alone,let me make this clear even if that child ends up being mine I would take full custody of him then I would make sure you are as far away from me as possible!! Do you know why? Cause I hate you" Eric said angrily frightening shantel and everyone around.

"Hate me all you want Eric,I don't care,I love you and my love for you is enough for the two of us!its for better for worse Eric,until my last breath" shantel fired back.

"What's really your problem? I don't understand how a woman would reduce her self worth and pride to this extent for a man, shantel you are not the only one involved now,there is a baby on the way,love yourself not just for you but for him or her,please stop all this please" Victoria said.

"Shut your disgusting mouth up! don't you dare speak to me you orphan!!! I worth more than you ever would anytime anyday! So shut up" shantel said angrily.

"Eric can I see you please" Victoria said and made her way to the kitchen and Eric followed suite.

When they were alone in the kitchen, Eric pulled Victoria into his arms,he kissed her fore head and then placed a peck on her lips,he didn't want to loose her for anything in the world.

"Baby am sorry I didnt tell you, I...haven't confirmed it yet and I just found out yesterday,babe I thought it was better you didn't know until I was sure,I didn't want to hurt you,and look I ended up doing it.....but am sorry please dont be mad even if I know you have every right to but please I would fix this OK" Eric said pleadingly.

"How? She's pregnant Eric,you can't just fix that,its not broken,I...I can't do this,I don't want that woman in our lives,and if that baby is yours.....then.... I think I would leave when our contract is over" Victoria said with tears in her eyes.

"No no no no no no,no you can't just leave.. Vi I would fix this,I promise you,I can't function without you vi..i can't please dont do this please" Eric pleaded

"Don't do what exactly! I don't want my child growing up around someone like shantel hell no,I don't want any stepmother for my child Eric.. Its not easy for me but I have to" Victoria said and wiped the tears that had stained her face,she then held eye contact with him,trying to be strong.

"Victoria I love you,please don't do this" Eric said.

Victoria shook her head and left the kitchen,escaping Eric's efforts of holding her back,she tried to be strong for herself and her baby,she never wanted to raise her child close to that woman,shantel was capable of anything including maltreating her child, if leaving Eric would prevent that then so be it.

When she got back to where shantel has been standing she just looked at her and shook her head,how someone could be this heartless was incomprehensible by Victoria.

"So orphan if i were you I'd be really careful around the house cause you might just trip and fall off the steps or something which would be harmful for you and the baby so please just be careful OK?" Shantel said nonchalantly examining her nails.

"Thanks but I don't need your advice" Victoria said angrily and made her way upstairs to their bedroom.

When she was finally inside and alone she let out the tears that has been threatening to spill out since she left Eric,the pain was overwhelming, why did shantel have to ruin the beautiful life she was having with Eric?,why was there one trouble or the other in their life?,why couldn't they be happy with no problems?, they deserved to be happy so why was life and faith saying otherwise?, all the questions in her heart hurt her the more, intensifying the pain she was feeling, she cried and cried and cried until she couldn't cry anymore,The knock on the door stopped the tears for a while as he went over to the door to open it,she thought it was Eric but only to be greeted by nanny Abby who had a tray of food with many dishes on it,that was when she realized she hadn't eaten yet, She opened the door widely so nanny Abby could come in.

"Thanks nanny" she said after nanny Abby placed the food on the bed.

"Cmon no need to thank me I love taking care of you" nanny Abby said smiling.

Victoria gave her a weak smile as she couldn't bring herself to be happy cause of the pains she was feeling, the only reason why she didn't reject the food was because she needed food cause of the baby.

"Oh dear don't be like that,you know Eric loves you right? and he would do anything to make you happy,right now as we speak he has taken shantel to the hospital to have a DNA test done on the baby,please don't make any rash decisions, please think about it Eric has never loved any woman as much as he loves you infact he has never loved any woman before,so please don't hurt him by leaving him,be patient with him OK,don't let his sins of the past stop his happiness in the future" nanny Abby said almost in tears.

"Thanks nanny,I....I just don't know why she can't let us be,I...I just want to be with him without any problems arising,is that a crime?"Victoria said in tears.

"There isn't any relationship or marriage without problems its the ability to face those problems together that would make you both stronger and grow the love you have for each other,don't leave cause of the problems it doesn't prove your love for him" nanny Abby said and pulled her into a hug.

"Thanks nanny,all this crying has made me hungry now I really need to eat" Victoria said and went over to the bed where the food had been served,there was pickles,spaghetti, orange juice,fruit salad,bacon and a hot bowl of soup,Victoria salivated at the sight of it,and wasted no time in digging in, you could say she ate like a woman who had been starved for weeks,After finishing the food she gulped down the orange juice in one go.

"I can see you enjoyed your meal" nanny Abby said while packing up the plates.

"Oh I did nanny and right now I have the whole energy in the world to fight for my marriage, nothing and nobody would tear my marriage apart,not even that contract" Victoria said smiling. How a meal could change ones decision was surprising.

"Oh Eric is back" nanny Abby said.

"Really then I need to go give him a kiss" Victoria said and left the room.

When she reached down stairs she saw shantel smiling and Eric had an angry expression which meant the baby was his,Victoria took a deep breath and went over to Eric,there was a kind of pain in his eyes that he was trying to hide with an angry one.

"Baby I don't care whether you are responsible or not,I love you,and I won't leave you for anything in the world,OK" Victoria said and wrapped her hands around his waiste.

"Baby...i...I....might be the father" Eric said with a pain so visible but so hidden.

"And I don't care,I love you and we are in this together OK babe" Victoria said.

"Thanks love" Eric said and gave her a deep kiss.

Hi another chapter hope you enjoy it.



(Drops pen)

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