chapter two

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Victoria was surprised, confused and startled at the same time. She was trying to make sense of the words that were coming out of his mouth.

Marriage? Victoria had no plans of getting married not now maybe next year and when she does, she was planning on getting married to the love of her life, to a man that loved her and cherished her, she wants to have a happy home, a home full of love and happiness like her late parents.

She had always admired how her parents loved each other to the extent that they died together, that was the kind of marriage she wanted to be in, a contract marriage had never been on Victoria's plans hell no! if he hadn't mentioned it she wouldn't have imagined it ever till the day she died.

She never wanted to be in a contract marriage besides she had read books about them and the marriage was never a pleasant one to be in, no love nothing, the thought of it was horrible more especially, she didn't even know the man.

Why her? was the next question that came to her mind of course the boss has so many women at his beck and call he was always on the news with different women, models, actresses, career women, and women with class and power.

So why her? She had never seen her boss up close in person since she started working at Xavier's Cooperation so definitely he had never seen her except maybe the day she made the presentation that brought about her promotion. Besides that, they had never crossed paths so why her?

"Yes Victoria you heard me well, you would get married to me in two weeks, I've already drafted out the contract... Here is your copy..." He said handing her a piece of paper.

"The details of the contract are stated there is everything you need to know, all you would do right now is sign them but we have to wait for my lawyer and our witnesses to get here"

"I....I.....I don't understand, why me? God why a contract marriage, to begin with, you are sounding like I don't have a choice in this" Victoria said frustrated.

"Cause you don't, am not giving you an option, read how much you would be receiving in and even after the marriage till you get married to someone else and in case you have a baby in the process the baby is mine, you would give me custody of the child but you would still be able to visit him or her, what else, you would be receiving allowances every month and also you would bear my families name, attend our family gatherings and you would always be with me whenever I make a public appearance. What else? That should be all, and lease I forget its a two years contract"

"What if I say no?"

"Why would you? What sensible person would do that" he asked raising a brow at her.

"A person who has a right to do whatever she pleases, I work for you but that doesn't mean you can throw a contract marriage at me without consulting me first, " Victoria said trying to control her rising temper.

"Victoria Valeria Christopher you will marry me in two weeks am not giving you an option Victoria I need this and you would agree to this, and this discussion is over"

Victoria stood up and Left the office with the paper in her hands.

She walked past Alexa who gave her a questioning look which she ignored, she wasn't interested in having any conversation right now, she knew Alexa would be mad but she would handle that later, she pressed the button of the elevator to her office floor.

Victoria sighed as she didn't know how or what to make of the situation, when the elevator opened on her floor she half ran to her office, shut the door of her office and exhaled the breath she had been holding.

She sat on her chair and wore her glasses so she could read the contract properly, after going through it, she wondered, why a contract marriage? cause it wasn't stated in the contract she just read, she dropped the paper on her desk, took off her glasses and rested on the chair which made it twirl.

The sound of her office phone brought Victoria out of the train of thoughts that was consuming her.

"Hello, Victoria Christopher on the line how may I help you," she said into the phone.

"Victoria someone would be bringing you a dress right about now I need you to get into them we are going on a date to the world but we would be signing the contract in the presence of my lawyer, your aunt Elizabeth and others" Eric said.

And the phone went dead.

Victoria was speechless before she could even wrap her head around what just happened there was a knock on her office door, which she went to answer and lo and behold it was a delivery boy with a big box in his hands, Victoria asked to help him with it but he refused and went straight to drop it on the sofa in her office.

"From mister Xavier ma'am," the boy said and left the office.

Victoria opened the box and was greeted with a beautiful skirt and an armless turtle neck tank top, the top was golden and the skirt a rose gold colour with matching stilettoes and purse, she was sure it cost a fortune.

She went into the toilet of her office to put herself in order then put on the dress, she did a little make-up and packed her hair in a bun.

"It took you hours" Eric said sitting in her chair which startled Victoria and made her drop the purse she was holding accidentally.

"Mr knight," Victoria said then quickly picked up her purse.

"I gave you a dress I didn't say you should turn into a Queen" Eric said.

With the way he was looking at her, you could see a little hint of lust in his eyes, but it vanished in a split second and was replaced with his usual cold stare.

"You're ready?" He asked raising a brow at her.

"Yeah sure," Victoria said.

They stepped out of the office and immediately Eric took her hands in his.

"We need to sell the story"

"I haven't agreed to anything yet sir," Victoria said slightly pissed.

"Remember I didn't ask? you would do it" he whispered into her ears.

When they got to the lobby the eyes of everyone were on them some looked surprised, some angry, and some just overlooked. Victoria was embarrassed at the situation, how was she even going to explain this to her besties, how was she going to explain this to anyone when she didn't know what to make of everything?

Eric on the other hand wasn't bothered he walked with all authority not minding or even bothering to look at the people's reactions.

When they got to the car Eric opened the car door for her to get in which she did then he followed suit and off they went to a destination only Eric and the driver knew.

The car ride was nothing relaxing, Victoria was tensed all through as many questions plagued her mind, Eric on the other hand was making several calls and speaking in different languages Victoria couldn't understand.

How do I get out of this??

Were Victoria's prominent thought all through the ride.


The picture above is Victoria's dress pretty yeah?




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