Chapter 6

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Another chapter for you beautiful humans

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“Dear god”

“You damn jerk it'll take me at least 8 hours to digest all this food and a couple of rounds in the bathroom” I groaned and glared at the man with his eyes closed and body slacked

“Don't challenge me to a fucking eating contest next time” he growled and popped those eyes open and glared at me

“How am I supposed to go out and look like this! I look 8 months pregnant!” I growled right back at him, he's going to take full responsibility of this

The fact that anyone thinks that they could give me a gaze of challenge and disbelief really triggers me and that's exactly what he did when he grabbed his third plate piled of food

Now look where it left us…….there's was only pieces of fruits and crumbs of pastries

“You're fine button’ he groans and gets up. I get up along with him and followed him out but much slower then him

“Can I get the password to the government flies” I asked when I reached him

“Are you going to ask me this everyday” he asked back, we stepped outside and started to make our ways to the black cars lined up on the drive


“Then just know that the answer will always be no” he replied looking over at me and grabbing my hand to help me down a flight of steps

“Thank you” I muttered, he smirked and tilted his head to the gates, I looked and saw reports by the ton

“Well it's nice to know your only a gentlemen when there's eyes”

He shook his head at me and let my hand go to stand to the side and gesture me inside the car

“You do know I could get it without your consent right?” I said, making sure that, that's out there

“Zeila you were safe this time because I was on. If it was anybody eles, president or not you would he sitting in jail” he said with seriousness in his eyes

I looked away and signed. I felt his legs push against mine and glanced back at him

“Don't make me do that, Kay button?” He muttered

I nodded my head and looked down to see his legs pressed against mine, I rubbed my stomach and glanced back at Axel to see him cocking a brow at me

“Don't start. It was a draw” I growled and removed my hand. One last look and I saw him sitting staright with his stomach flat

My hand shot out and I immediately unbutton his suit jacket

“What the fuck” he whispered and when someone tried to enter the vehicle he barked at them to stay out

I pulled his shirt that was tucked into this pants up and growled

We both spoke at the same time

“I like where this is going button”

“Why in the hell aren't you bloated”

I blinked at him and he blinked at me



I slowly took my hand away and narrowed my eyes at him. I pushed close to the door and at this action he gave me a chuckle

Mr. PresidentOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz