Chapter 1

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Here's another chapter babes!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤



I looked out the window in a daze as my brain banged around in my head, I closed my eyes and let the car drive me to whatever the hell it's taking me.

At times like these I really hate being Zeila Thorn the smartest woman alive on earth, give me a question any kind of question that pops into your head and I'll answer it without hesitation. I also stand out in a crowd, with my long white blond hair and hourglass figure, I eat a shitload of food so my friends are always so jelly i never gain weight.

I glanced around with my plain brown eyes to see the men in black looking at me with open curiosity. I smiled nervously their way and all their eyes flared with lust and awe when they got a look at my deep dimples

I placed my fingers at my temple and rubbed, my head is freaking killing me and it's making me want to puke

"I need acetylsalicylic acid. " i announce into the car and tucked my sock covered foot under me as I kept the bile from coming up my throat

"What the hell is that?" the man to my left said

"Aspirin" I spoke

"We'll provide you with aspirin when we reach the white house" a man said calmly not knowing he just triggered something in me

my eyes bulged out of my head at his words, white house...... the fucking white house?! I thought I was dealing with a government official or something why the hell am i going to the bloody white house

Shouldn't I be going to a secret base or something

"And who are you taking to me" I said trying to keep my voice from shaking as the news started flashing before my eyes

"The president"

I closed my eyes as I remembered who the man on my laptop was, he was the bloody president of the United States of America. I am so damn screwed!

How could I forget who my president is, oh yeah I was too busy getting kidnapped daily and having jobs and pleas of someone wanting my help to remember who was the president.

I watched with horror as we pulled up in front of a huge gate, I got to the edge of my seat and leaned down to see the white house

"Holy Crap" I whispered and threw myself back into my seat, i've been to the white house before but that was when Mr.Jean was president. a new president was elected a year ago and his name was Axel.

I gripped my leg hard when the guard at the gate allowed us to go through. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest. If it was low life thugs and rich people trying to kidnapped me I wouldn't be scared but come on now the damn president!!

The car stopped and the men at my side jumped out, I sat there not daring to get out my seat

"Come on" a gruff voice to my right said, I looked over to him and nodded my head, I scooted to the edge and jumped down, my sock covered feet hitting the concrete ground. I winced when a rock got indebted into the sole of my feet, I walked side by side the two men as two more was walking behind us.

We walked through the entrance and passed more security guards, the white house is as big as I remembered with 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircases and 3 elevators. I counted when I was last here. We walked over to the elevators, it didn't take long for it to open, we all stepped in and the man to my left pressed on the the button that said two.

Mr. PresidentWhere stories live. Discover now