Chapter 5

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@@ malave2god

@@ shakira13malave


I didn't see why I need to rush seeing as we have ten hours, fourteen minutes and twenty seconds before the introduction

I made it towards his office and sighed,I looked at the time on my Rolex that I found in Axel stuff and saw that it was six, I Placed my hand on the oval office door and pushed

"Axel you wouldn't mind if -"

I stopped my sentence as I saw a woman on Axel lap, my jaw clenched as the familiar face looked up at me and gave me the most smug face

Emily. What a fucking joke

"Axel, will today really be the last time your delicious cock will be in me" she whined snuggling into him, her hands running down his suit covered chest, messing up his wrinkle free tie. I looked over to Axel and saw that he was staring at me then he looked over to Emily and sighed

"Seriously?" I snapped closing my hands around the doorknob to hold me back from attacking. I hate when someone makes me look like a damn idiot, that's just one thing i can't let get passed me.

"She came onto me, button" he stood as Emily clinged harder to his body, his arms stood still by his side

"Well you don't seem to mind it" I growled

"Unhand me Emily, this was not the reason why I have called you into my office just because I have fucked you in the past doesn't mean you will get my mercy" he said picking her hand up by her skin with disgust

He's such a bloody disgusting man

He's making me rethink what my precious mother always told me

'only marry once Zeila and don't leave your man no matter what happens'

She drilled that into my head since I was still In her womb and I feel like I'm walking over her grave of I did any less

"Everything...... everything I did for you! For us! You're going to treat me like shit after some young and pretty pussy comes rolling around!" She yelled as the two bodyguards who I haven't seen in the room steps up and grabs her by her arms

I seem to be more closer to Axel age then she does. She seems to be at least a decade older then Axel himself actually, but i kept that tadbit to myself

"Thank you for calling me pretty" i added and smiled innocently when she snapped her head my way

"There was never an us and I'll mind what you say to the first lady because no one and especially me will take that shit" he snarled, I glanced at the bodyguard's face to see them glaring at the poor woman when she insulted me, their grip on her arm going super tight

I groaned and began closing the door but stopping when I heard Axel call for me

"I'll meet you in the dining room"

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