Chapter 30 - Season 4 Opener

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A/N: Finally!!! Sorry for the long wait!! Okay. So I am going with Option 2 – the original plot line. I will still include major TVD events, but it will be very different from TVD. I also won't focus on the TVD storyline as much. There will be a few exceptions, including this chapter, where I will stick mostly to the TVD plot – just a little differently...

Thank you for all you encouragement and comments during the long period.. You all make me feel so loved, and as if I am a good writer – which I majorly doubt.

Anyway, this chapter is the season opener of season 4, and it will differ greatly from the TVD one. So hang on, and enjoy!!

P.S. - it is also a very long chapter. I just didn't know where to cut it off, so I just kept going, and going, and going. So be prepared for a very long one. I guess it's a good thing, since I haven't updated in so long... Anyway, enjoy!!

-Elizabeth's POV-

The next morning, I opened my eyes slowly to see soft light coming in the window. I groaned and rolled to my side, forgetting for a moment that I should be dead. When I remembered what had happened last night, I sat up with a gasp, looking around in confusion. How was I alive? What was going on? I should be dead – I should have died when Klaus did. I was so confused, and deep in thought, that the sound of the door banging downstairs made me jump out of my skin. I jumped out of bed, and ran out. At the bottom of the stairs were a bunch of men in police uniforms. A few of them had Rebekah in their arms, carrying her out the door. I gasped, and ran, trying to save Rebekah. I bit into one of the men, who yelled out and dropped his hold on Rebekah. But before anything else could happen, I felt a needle jabbed into my skin, and I felt a burning run through my body. I dropped the man, bleeding, to the ground.

“Vervain...” I squeaked out, before collapsing unconscious...

-Time Gap-

I woke up in the back of the van, tied in vervain ropes, next to Bekah who was still unconscious from her stake to the heart, and Caroline, of all people. She was just waking up as I was. We looked at each other, and kind of grimaced. I don't know why she didn't like me; she had been snotty since we first met. I didn't like her because of her and Klaus' “flirtationship” as Bekah called it. She looked down, and sighed.

“Look.” she began. “I need to explain. When we first met, I was jealous. Everyone thought you were hot, and stuff, and I'm kind of an attention seeker. So when you stole the spotlight, I was jealous. I know it was petty, and I'm sorry.”

“And now?” I asked. I could understand where she was coming from. She grimaced and looked up.

“I'm still not a big fan, seeing as you kidnapped one of my best friends, and you're friends with the Mikaelsons and everything... But I'm no longer jealous...” she replied. I grimaced, but nodded.

“I have something to admit too. I'm jealous of you.” I admitted. She gasped.

“Why?” she asked, stunned. I grimaced.

“You have some kind of relationship with Klaus, and, even though I didn't admit until recently, I love him. So, I'm jealous of you and him together.” She gasped, then chuckled.

“You have nothing to worry about or be jealous of. I can't stand Klaus. And I know he was just after me because I was a challenge. Plus, he said my attitude 'reminded him of someone' – you, I'm guessing. But I love Tyler, and I never wanted anything to do with Klaus. And I'm pretty sure I was always just a distraction to him – just another conquest to try to achieve.” I looked at her and nodded, my jealousy slowly seeping away.

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