Chapter 3

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-Elizabeth’s POV-

I laid the flowers I had brought on their graves, then walked to the high school. I wanted to do some research on the girl I had just seen, the one who looked like Katherine. I walked into the office, where there was a secretary still working.

“Hi. I’m doing some research on the town, and I was wondering if I could see last year’s yearbook?”

The lady looked at me strangely, but handed the yearbook over nonetheless.  I flipped through until I found her picture. Elena Gilbert. Hmmm, interesting. I turned back to the lady.

“Hi again. I would like to enroll here.” Might as well find out this girls story. 

“We need to do all sorts of paperwork. And I don’t have the time for that now.” The lady snapped, glaring at me. I leaned in and compelled her. “You will do all the necessary paperwork for me to enroll here and start tomorrow. My name is Elizabeth…” I paused, thinking if I should use my real last name. Hmm, might as well. Who would know? “Salvatore. I came from California.“ Well, that was partly true - that is where I had most recently been. “I’m a senior. I want all my classes with Elena Gilbert.”

She repeated all I said in the compulsion monotone, and I smiled at her and walked out. Now to find myself a home.

*A few hours later*

I laid in bed and turned on the TV. 

“Mrs. Anderson, will you make me something to eat?” I yelled.

“Sure, dear.” she answered. I smiled. Compelling people to do whatever you want was so much fun! She brought me some macaroni and cheese, which I ate in a matter of seconds. But my fangs were hurting, so I decided to leave to get something to really eat.

“I’ll be back in a few hours. Don’t let anyone else in, or let anyone know I’m here.” I ordered.

“I won’t let anyone in, or tell anyone about you.” she repeated. I smiled, and left.

I got in my Camaro and drove out of town. I didn’t want to draw any attention to myself - for all I knew, the Founder’s Council was still around. So, for now, I would drive out of town for a meal.

As I driving, I spotted a man walking along the road. I pulled over.

“Hey, do you need a ride somewhere?”

“Yeah, can you take me to the next town over? I just need to get away for a little while.” I smiled.

“Sure, jump in. What’s your name?”

“James.” he replied, getting in. He buckled his seatbelt and I drove. I could hear his heartbeat, and could smell his sweet blood - this one was going to be good.

We drove on in silence, and I struggled to maintain my self-control. I had been perfecting it over the past century, but it still was hard, especially when my meals smelt as good as James did.

We finally arrived. I pulled the car over, and James looked over and smiled.

“Thanks for the ride.” I leaned over and looked him in the eye.

“You will get out of the car, drop your bag, and run into the woods. You will not scream, or call for help.” I compelled. He did as he was told, and after a few minutes, I got out and followed the sounds of him running.

When I caught him, I tackled him to the ground, and allowed my fangs to sink deep into his neck. He didn’t scream, as I had told him, but he did wiggle and squirm.

I kept feeding until he was dead, and then continued on until his head became detached.

“Oops.” I sighed. That usually happened when I went to long between feedings. I’ve got to keep myself better fed, I thought.

Now what to do with the body? Eh, I really didn’t care, so I’ll just leave it. James body laid on the gorund with his head about two feet away. I just walked away, wiping my mouth.

“See ya, James. Thanks for the good meal.” I called over my shoulder. I finally had my emotions back under lock and key. The ripper was back.

A/N: I decided to upload one more for today. As always, let me know what you think. Any criticisms, comments, concerns, let me know. I will also accept recommendations on where you want the story to go.

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