Chapter 7

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-Elizabeth’s POV-

After school was over, I slowly walked out to my car. I had to admit I was little nervous to see Damon again. What if he had changed? What if he didn’t like who I had changed into? But mostly, I was excited to see him again. As I approached my car, I saw Stefan standing a few cars over. He waved to me, and I walked up to him.

“Hey. What’s up?” I asked.

“Follow me to the boarding house in your car. I’ll see you there. And don’t be nervous.”

“I’m not nervous.” I lied. “Now let’s get going. I can’t wait to see my favorite brother again.” I said, winking at him. Stefan laughed then gave me a hug and kiss on the forehead, then got in his car.

I sped over to my car and then followed him to the boarding house. It looked exactly the same as the last time I saw it, a few years ago when I came to visit their “graves.” I had never been in it, but I had drove past.

I pulled up next to Stefan. We both climbed out.

“Wait outside.” Stefan said. “I’ll see what kind of state he’s in, then when I say ‘Come in.’, you come in and surprise him. Okay?” he said, grinning with anticipation at surprising our older brother. I giggled.

“Okay. Let’s do this!” I replied. Stefan headed in and I listened in.

“Damon?” Stefan called.

“In the living room.” Damon called back, setting something down. Alcohol? Stefan walked in.

“So, who is this mighty ripper that you know? Do you both go to RA?” Damon said. Stefan and I both chuckled.

“No, I didn’t know they were even still alive until today.” Stefan replied. I could imagine Damon’s eyebrows going up.

“Oh? Please do tell, brother.” Damon said.

“I think it might be better if I just ‘introduced’ you. Come in!” Stefan called. I took a deep breath, than walked through the door, and towards where I could hear their breaths - must be the living room. I walked in with a huge smile on my face.

“Hello Brother.” I said, grinning like an idiot. Damon looked almost the same as he had when I last saw him - well except for the clothing. And his hair was a little shorter. I looked at him and saw his jaw drop, and tears start to form in his eyes. He vamp-sped over to me, and looked down at me.

“Elizabeth?” he whispered, and slowly brought his hand up to touch my face, as if making sure I was real. My tears started falling and I wrapped my arms around his neck, and snuggled my head into his shoulder.

“Damon.” I sighed, as both of our tears spilled over. He wrapped his arms around me and crushed me to his chest.

“But… how.. I mean…what…” he stammered as he released me.

“I thought the same thing when I saw Stefan. But you guys were easy to figure out. It was pretty obvious that Katherine must have been slipping you her blood.” I said.

“Yeah, pretty much. But how did you become a vampire?” she asked. I grimaced.

“Well, that’s a long story.”

“We have all the time in the world.” he said, grinning. I sighed and walked over to the couch.

“Ok, but you guys better sit down, and get comfortable. Oh, and no interrupting. I hate it when people interrupt me. So sit and be quiet. Hold all questions until the end.” I said, settling in. They both looked at each other and grinned. They settled down across from me, and looked at me expectantly. I sighed and began.

“I was turned in 1864, just like you, however it was a little later. It was after you were both dead, or so I thought. Father had died, apparently a vampire had gotten free, and came for their revenge…” I see the two exchange a glance.

“What was that look?” I asked.

“I thought you said no interruptions?!” Damon said, grinning. I grinned back.

“Well, I just made an exception. What do you guys know that I don’t.” Stefan cleared his throat.

“I was the one who killed Father.” he said. I gasped. “I came home when I was in transition, and we got in a fight. He ended up with a stake in him, and when I pulled it out, the blood overwhelmed me. I fed and killed him.” he explained, looking down, guiltily. I just stared at him, shocked.

“Well… that is... shocking. Ok, moving on…” I said. Stefan looked up.

“That’s all you have to say about me killing our father, the man that raised us our whole life?” he questioned.

“Yeah, pretty much. Don’t look at me like that. I hated that guy, even before he shot you two. After that, I couldn’t even be in the same room as him. It was only a matter of time until I ran away. If he hadn't died, and K…” I paused, thinking about my next words, “…what happened next hadn’t have happened, I would have. Leading me back to my story…” I said, looking back and forth at their semi-shocked faces. They looked at each other, then settled back to listen.

“As I said, you both were dead, or so I thought, then Father died. I buried him, and wanted to bury you, but couldn’t find you, so I made makeshift graves. All the vampires were gone, including Katherine. I stayed at home for awhile, but was getting bored and lonely. My emotions were all over the place, and I was seriously depressed. Then, about a week after all of the vampire stuff had gone down, I found out the reason Katherine had planned all of it - killing all her friends, and all that jazz.”

“Wait, did you know Katherine had planned it all and had escaped?” Oops, sorry…” Damon asked, then glanced down as I glared at him for interrupting.

“Rude! But, no, at the time I didn’t. I found out later, though. Now can I continue?” I asked. Damon nodded.

“Anyway, the reason Katherine “died” came to town, and that is when my life was forever changed.” I said, getting all whimsical and romantic at the end. We all laughed at the tone I used. Then the boys got serious.

“And that reason was…?” Stefan asked, looking like he already knew. Damon hadn’t quite caught on yet, but it looked like Stefan had, and he didn’t like where this was going.

“A man by the name of Niklaus Mikaelson.”

A/N: I am really sorry that it took me so long to update. I know I said I was going to have it up yesterday, but I went to spend the day with one of my best friends and her 8 month old, so I didn’t get a chance. I will upload more, but I wanted to get this up for you. At least you can see Elizabeth and Damon’s reunion. The next chapter will be a flashback about Klaus and Elizabeth meeting, and might include him turning her into a vampire. As always, I hope you will leave me a comment to let me know what you think, and any questions, comments, or concerns you have. Also, if you have any recommendations of what you want to happen, let me know.

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