All time low

24 5 0


I hate seeing her like this . Like there is no one in the world who is ready to listen to her , like there is no one who will give her one second of their life just to see her smile cause at last there are many people who can die or kill for her smiles everyday . Some say that it's all pretend , that she isn't really sad but just a attention seaker but I fucking disagree with them every moment of my life . I have seen her crying while trying to muffle her voices , I have seen how weak she is but at last she is the strongest person that I know in this world . I thank God every day that he made me see an angel in world full of demons.  An angel who never makes me feel like a stranger,  whose presence makes me forever the fact that I'm not a part of this family . Her support makes me feel like I'm not a burden on them ....

Some children say that they lost their part of affection when their younger sisters or brother came but when I look at my childhood I notice that she willingly gave away the part herself . She didn't mind helping me , she didn't mind that I took her place in mum's bedroom . She was just always happy to see me smile,  to see me look at her with hope in eyes   she was the who needed the affection , needed someone to assure her that she is good enough but she never got it ... and I hate myself for that more every day. 

"Hi !" , she is always writing or studying , I love this about her that she isn't the teenager who uses phone whole day but wants to do something in life . 

"Hiya bro ! Come sit . Watch me bang these chemistry notes ! Not interesting " , she is keen in writing and she is pretty great at it too .

"Can I ask you something ? "

"Shoot . No wait , if it's about gay sex then sorry ... I can't help " , can I blend her into a smoothie and feed to Cody?  Can I?

"Umm no . God no . This was suppose to be serious " , it was ..... damn her stupid jokes .

"Ok bub,  but I really think you should top cause..."

"I got it !!! Just shut up . Ughhh.... I'm leaving . Pretend this conversation never happened " , is there a big mammoth sized rock under which I can hide ? Is there ?

"Hey hey come back and Sit . I will seal my lips shut until said otherwise " she laughs a bit and motions me to come and Sit beside her  .

"Umm... I don't know how to put this but let me try and please try to understand my point .... if there is any " , I don't know if this conversation holds any meaning but better try and fail .

"Ok now I'm actually worried " , she sits upright on the bed to pack her things .

"Can a single comment or word by a person stay with you for your whole life ? Can it effect you till your death ? "

"What ? Did Cody say something?  Tell me if he did cause I won't hesitate going all gone girl "

"No no no ... Cody is my baby! I'm asking in platonic way.  Can it stay ? " , in our society platonic is so overrated   ... like I platonically love you?  What does that even mean ? Like I want to have cuddles but will freak out if you ever try to kiss me ?

"Well ..... for many people it does . They keep those comments as an emotional baggage with them for their whole life and feel dreaded by them. Feel like those small words can destroy their lives " , I can see her facade breaking , her eyes filling up with tears and her voice getting hoarse .

"Are you one of those people ?"

"Ah ... oh bro I get what you are trying to say . I'm fine!  I'm not at my  'all time low' right now . I'm fine,  don't worry . Go and have fun talks with Cody . Your baby ... " she smirks at me and I soon see the fact that calling Cody my baby was quite wrong but it's the truth .... he is my love,  my baby,  a person whose security and support means the world to me and let's just say .... he looks like a Greek god from every angle (not that I oogle him whole time *coughs* (but i do))

"Just answer my question "

"I don't know why you are doing this but yes .... I'm of these people " , damn ... why are you ?

"Ok now I don't want to spoil your mood more so just back to chemistry and sex-ed ok " , maybe it's better to change the topic

"Haha but babes I don't know much about your sex.ed..... I think you get my drift . I don't even know who tops?!! " this reminds me of Larry stylinson (our golden ship ) who the hell tops ? Who ? (Harryyyyy;))) .

"Ok well I'm off to bed ! Good night . Don't read much " .

"Hey tell me a gay joke !" , ah well will she make me paint her nails peach and put fake eyelashes .... damn .

"Only if you come to see love Simon with me and Cody .  Don't worry you are not a third wheel . It will be fun " .

"Yeah sure I Will " , she is great .... she is .

"Tomorrow ? "

"No not tomorrow ... I'm meeting some friend in brandon's "

"Oh okk sure,  make sure to get the honey kiwi shake! It's great " me and Cody tried it (just one with two straws ) . Yeah yeah couple goals ..... I know *flipping hair strands * .

"Yeah sure . Want to get refreshed!  " 

"Yeah now the joke...
A homophobe says "It's Adam and eve not Adam and Steve "
Think what's my reply ?" , damn this is great one ..

"Can t ... too sleepy "

"Ah ... my reply is "it's homosapien not heterosapein "

"Damn being straight is boring ... but just like you ... I love boys " , well the whole world is gay . Gay also means happy .

"Yeah yeah you wish ... well good night . Have fun tomorrow "

"Oh well it's very far away from funnnn...... "

Hey friends! 
Hope you like the chapter!  I know it's a cliff hanger but I wanted to show you evans side too .
Love ,

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