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Aurora was never like the other girls in her pack, she didn't care for pretty things or make up all she wanted was to be free, free to be who she really is. It wasn't that she thought makeup or the people who love and use it are bad, she had just never developed an interest in such things, she didn't exactly fit in.  You see, she is not like the rest of her pack, she is different. It is because of this that her true powers must stay hidden from the world because she would be seen as the ultimate weapon. For good, or for evil.

In her small village, she lived alone with her father because he didn't want her to live in the Pack house with the others. She didn't know much about her mother as she had died in an accident when she was young and her father doesn't like to talk about it. The only friends that she has are the people that her father trusts. The pack misfits. She didn't mind though they are her escape.


"Hey, dad?" She asked looking over at her father.

He rubbed a hand through his dark brown hair and sighed.

"You know that you have to train later, right?" He questioned looking at her sternly, already knowing what She was about to ask.

"I know but it will only be for an hour or two" she pleaded. "please?"

"Fine but make sure that you're not late for training" he concluded, shaking his head.

"You can use the pack link if you need me" she sang edging her way to the door.

"Fine," he said throwing his hands in the air "but you know the rules"

"No powers" she replied mock saluting him.

The last time she used her powers in public was when she was 10 years old. Vicky, the pack bully tripped her in training and mocked her for being weak and defenceless, the runt of the pack.
Boy was she wrong.
Instead of morphing into wolf form, Aurora grew ebony black wings and propelled Vicky across the field using her wind element. She had lost control. She didn't kill her but Vicky was left with a scar across her left cheek, reminding her of her lack of control. Aurora's father and Alpha Scott allowed her to use her powers one more time, to make the whole pack forget, only knowing her as a hybrid, a werewolf with a dormant angel side hence her newly turned purple eyes. After that day she was told to never show her true powers to anyone, why? Well, that was exactly what she wanted to find out.


She belted out of the door and ran through the trees. Taking in the scent of pine and earth as she ran, her eyes were spectacular even in this form, she could see everything clearly, from the detail in the tree bark to the dewdrops coating the blades of grass. She knew that it was unusual for her eyes to be this way in her human form but then again nothing about her was normal.
Although her parents both had rather dark hair. Her hair was an enchanting white and has been that way since birth, she also had ocean blue eyes infused with a deep purple which darkened depending on her mood. Sometimes she wondered if they were even her real parents.

"Hey Aurora, where are you?" called Chase through the separate group link they accidentally created when they were younger.

"We've been waiting ages"  sang Zack dramatically.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" she replied sending an image of her location through the link.

"Good, you're almost here" finished Max.

She burst through the trees into the open glade where they always meet.

"So, he finally let you out again," said Chase as he got to his feet.

She walked over to them and was engulfed in a group hug.

"He really needs to stop being so overprotective," said Max.

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