Stalking Is Not Cool

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Kendyl's look. She always has to slay!!
Also Thank you so much for reading my story and voting, it means a lot to me!

It's been a month since the big game
"LEO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I was beginning to panic, his persistence to get me back was no longer cute and attractive but extremely scary and annoying.
"Kay please! Let's just talk about this! Okay?"
"There is nothing for us to talk about! You broke up with me, remember!"
"Yes! I know that, that's why I want to get back together with you. What I did was unfair and unforgivable and I want you to give me a second chance. At least think about it okay?"

I stopped in my tracks and faced him. I was headed to the park to meet Trent for another tutoring session and Leo was hindering me from doing so.
"No! I will not think about it and I'm not going to give you another chance.

Leo it is over, get that into your thick skull. WE ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER! NOT NOW NOT EVER! So leave me alone from now on"

I ran away to the other side of the street, approaching the park entrance.

Trent was waiting for me inside.

"Kay please" He grabbed onto my arm, squeezing it tight.

I'm pretty sure it would leave a bruise.

"STOP LEO! LET GO!" I begged and pleaded with him

My books fell to the ground, scattering at my feet as I tried to remove his fingers from my upper arm.

"No. I will not!" He hissed through gritted teeth.

I could feel his nails digging into my flesh, his sharp uncut nails that I hated so much.

"Leee-Oh" I pleaded pulling at his hand.
"Kay please!" His eyes were red not from tears but anger. They were bugged out as if he were on drugs.

"I said no!"
I looked around the street for some kind of help. People stood by watching. Walking pass.

Why was no one helping me!?

"Fine, if I can't have you no one can!" He began to pull me towards the curb.
A truck was speeding down the road, three stop lights away.

"LEO STOP!" I screamed as my feet dragged against the concrete pavement

The truck beeped as we approached the end of the sidewalk.

Slow down! Why wasn't it slowing down?!

"We have to die together!"

Tears ran down my face as he watched me plead, I felt scared and betrayed.

"NO PLEASE!" I cried out trying to pull us back to safety.
"Then date me again" he whispered. I searched his empty blue eyes, he was full blown crazy!

I need to get away!
"I'm sorry Leo but no" I shook my head continuously
"Fine" The truck was one stop light away, speeding up faster now.

"Hey Jackass!"

My savior!

We were pulled away aggressively from the edge.

Leo fell to the ground and I was pulled into the chest of my savior.

I willed myself not to cry anymore, not in front of him.
"Kendly you alright ?"

I looked up at the man through blurred vision.
"Trent" He smiled down at me
"You okay?" I nodded

"You f*cking Bastard!"
The sound of Leo's foul voice startled me.

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