Chapter 4

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Jackson's POV

I could not believe the balls that new girl had! God. She is probably the prettiest girl I had ever seen, her long wavy black hair, her grey eyes, her tanned olive skin. I quickly stood up, ignoring my two best friends Gino and Liam. They both looked confused, but I had to know more about this mysterious new girl.

"Hey wait!" I yell at Violet, who is already halfway down the hall. She turned around, her face was blank as I walked up to her. But she never broke our eye contact, this will be a challenge.

"What?" She asks, she sounded bored.

"Just wanted to complement you on what you did back there, " I told her, Violet raised an eyebrow.

"Why? I just answered a question, and why did you have to come out here to tell me that?" She asked coldly.

"Cause I wanted too... I'm Jackson by the way. Jackson Hamilton."

"Violet Lockwood" She answers, her lips twitching into a cold smile. I give her smirk and I fall into step next to her.

"Why are you following me?" She asks after a while. "I'm not!" I say a bit too quickly.

"Yeah whatever, bye Jackson." She says as she turns and walks into the girls bathroom. I huff out a breath.


Eventually it was lunchtime, and I sat at our usual table. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and Betty comes and sits down next to me. God, she was so annoying, I literally had a one-night-stand with her and now she won't leave me alone. Her blonde hair fell past her shoulders, and her top was extremely low.

"How are you baby?" She asks wrapping her arms around my shoulder. I grit my teeth.

"Get off me Betty, I told you I'm not interested." I manage to grit out, I needed to punch something. "But Jackson can't we just try? Please? " She pouts.

"I said, GET OFF." I say this a bit too loud then I had meant too, and numerous pupils from other tables look to glare at me. Betty unwraps her arms from my shoulders and storms off.

"That was a bit harsh." Says Gino from beside me, biting into his hot dog.

"She deserved it, she needs to move on." I say harshly.

"You need to let off some steam, wanna come fight tonight?" Asks Liam, who's sitting across from me, concern in his eyes.

"Sure, haven't been to the bar in a while." I say, smirking as I get up to leave the table.


Hopping into my black Honda, I manoeuvre myself out of the school parking lot. After the short ten minute drive, I arrive at my house. I walk up the familiar pathway, opening up the huge oak door.

"Anyone home?" I ask into the hall, after a second my Mum peaks her head around the corner.

"Jackson! How was school?" She asks, grabbing me into a bone crushing hug.

"Fine, I'm gonna go to the gym tonight. I'll be back around 11pm, is that okay?"

"Yes fine, have fun darling!" My mum says as she walks back into her office. Mum's an author, she's quite successful too. She mainly writes adventure novels.

I walk up the stairs into my room, I open up my closet and put on some sweatpants and a light-weight t-shirt.

It's 9pm, and I am standing outside the bar, waiting for Liam and Gino to show up. After a few minutes, I finally see them walking up to me.

"Ready to kick some guy's ass?" Asks Liam, excitedly.

"You bet!" I say, as we all walk into the bar. A fight is going on at the moment, a guy who I know by the name of 'Tiger' is fighting someone I've never seen before. The mystery fighter is wearing short Adidas spandex.... and a crop top..... Wait what?

"Who is that?" I whisper to Gino who is watching the fight intently.

"I think I saw her the other night, she beat the 'Hellraiser'" He whispers back, his eyes not leaving the fight. The Hellraiser? No way! It took me three fights until I was able to take him down, making me the undefeated champion.

"Imma sign you up for a fight." Liam says, before walking away. I nod, looking back at the ring. This girl was good, she had the 'Tiger' pinned to the floor in a headlock. The referee blows his whistle, and the crowd roars with cheers and claps.

"Shadow wins again!" The ref yells, holding the girl's arm up into the air. I wish I could see her face, but the crop top she had on was styled as a hoodie. The hood was covering her face, but you could also see she was wearing a mask of some sort too.

"There will be four more fights until it's your turn." Liam says as he walks up to us.

"Who am I fighting?" I ask, not taking my eyes off the mystery fighter.

"Dunno, someone still has to fill in the spot. I'm sure someone will challenge you for the champion title." Replies Liam, running a hand through his dirty blonde hair.  


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