Chapter 3

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Violet's POV

I hear the alarm on my phone go off, as I get up, I feel my right cheek throbbing from the fight last night. Ugh. Now I am going to have a bruise on my cheek, and it's my first day of school. Walking to my dresser, I pull out long black leggings, and a navy blue t-shirt. I get changed and throw on my leather jacket. I quickly go into Kylie's room and wake her up, then I get out two bowls and some cereal for our breakfast. As I am eating, Kylie comes in wearing jean shorts , and a plain white top, with her rucksack slung over her shoulder.

"Morning." She says, sitting down while pouring milk into her cereal.

"Morning!" I reply, putting my finished bowl of cereal into the sink. I grab my rucksack and helmet, then walk back out into the kitchen. I check the time, 7:47am.

"Come on squirt, we gotta go. School starts at 8am." I say slipping on my sneakers and grabbing my keys.

"Coming," Kylie says, as she quickly puts her bowl in the sink. Grabbing our stuff we hop onto my motorbike.


"I'll pick you up after school." I say as Kylie gets off my bike, taking off my helmet she shakes her dark hair out. Sometimes I wish I was as beautiful as my sister.

"Yeah, see you later." She says, slinging her bag over her shoulder as she walks into her middle school. I sigh, pulling the helmet over my head and driving down the street to the high school.

I pull into the parking lot, where beautiful and expensive cars are lined up. I ignore all the looks I see some of the students give me, and pull into a parking space. I get off my bike, taking off my helmet I brush a hand through my hair, shaking it out. I turn around to see a group of people in cheer uniforms and blazer who were around 10 meters away all looking at me. God didn't their parents tell them all it was rude to stare?
I ignore them, as I pull out my Dad's old Aviator sunglasses and put them on. As I walk up the stairs to the high school, I feel eyes burning into my back. I turn around feeling annoyed, and my eyes meet with the handsome stranger I bumped into at the supermarket. I realise he is standing with the same group of people who were all staring at me a second ago. I then notice a blonde girl who is showing a bit too much skin and has her arm around his neck. I ignore them and walk into school.

My first period is history, I go to my locker shoving in all my unneeded books inside along with my helmet. Before I roam the halls in attempt to find my classroom. Many students stop to look at me, some look in wonder or awe, others look at me with a glare on their faces. I didn't care, all I wanted was to get through this last year of high school with good grades so I can provide for my sister. Which will be fairly easy, I always did good in school even though I never really try. Guess it was just my genes.

I finally find my classroom, I quickly go and take a seat near the back. Some other people were already inside but luckily they all ignored me. The piercing sound of the school bell rang, and more students filled into the classroom. The teacher came in as well, her name was Ms. Gandrani, I quite liked her. The class went by in a flash, and I was happy she didn't make me introduce myself to the class. My next lesson was English, so when the bell rang I filed out of the room and found my next class a lot quicker.

Again, I took a seat near the back. Looking out the window as more students came in, a minute later I heard shouts and laughter coming from the door. As if fate is trying to pull us together, the boy from the supermarket walks in with his friends. When he sees me, his eyes are directly trained on mine. I give him a blank expression, as he sits in the row behind me with his friends. The English teacher, Ms. Markle, walks in a second later. Telling everyone to get out the homework that was due in last lesson. I hate having to join a school in the middle of the year, you miss out on quite a lot. Ms. Markle sees me, and her eyes instantly light up as if she's remembering something. Oh no.

"Ah! You must be Violet! How about you come up and tell the class a bit about yourself?" I mentally groan. Standing up I walk to the front of the class, my eyes lazily scanning the rows of students. My eyes landing on the stranger. Again. Why does this keep happening?

"I'm Violet, I moved here from New York," is all I say, I doubt anyone in this class actually cares about who I am. Ms. Markle looks at me her mouth hanging open as if she wants me to say more, but she just nods her head and sends me back to my seat.

"So as you all know we have been studying a play by Shakespeare called Romeo and Juliet, are you familiar with this play Violet?" Ms. Markle asks me.

"Yeah," I say bluntly, causing a few snickers to erupt.

"Wonderful, here I'll give you a spare book I have on the play, just try to follow along with the class!" She exclaims excitedly, as she passes me the play. I had already studied some of Shakespeare's plays in my old school, so this was going to be a breeze. Ms. Markle goes around checking if my other classmates had done the homework. When she got to the row behind me, my ears perk up.

"Where is your homework Jackson? Both your friends have completed it why haven't you?" Ms. Markle asks, her voice strained.

"Forgot to do it miss," rumbled a deep voice, the voice was sent shivers down my spine. I turned around to look at the stranger I had met at the supermarket, but quickly turned back around in my seat when he met my eyes.

"Jackson, this is the fifth time you've forgotten your homework! Detention!" And with that Ms. Markle walked away, so Jackson.... That's his name. 

For the rest of the lesson I paid no attention, I literally knew everything Ms. Markle was talking about. Thankfully now we only had ten minutes until the end of the lesson.

"Violet, are not paying attention? Would you like to have a go at answering the question? What is the main theme in Romeo and Juliet?" Ms. Markle said, looking furious. I internally smirked and rolled my eyes, this was going to be good.

"Yes I would love to answer the question!" I said, my voice laced with sarcasm. "The main theme is the 'Forcefulness of Love'. Romeo and Juliet is the most famous love story in the English literature. Love is naturally the play's dominant and most important theme. The play focuses specifically on the intense passion that springs up at first sight between Romeo and Juliet." After I had finished, Ms. Markle looked at me with wide eyes. I smirked, the bell rang and the class all started packing away. I quickly grabbed my stuff and rushed out of the classroom first.



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